Prep Update

Prep A-Miss Hope Prep B-Miss Papa Prep C-Ms Lloyd Prep D-Mrs Herres Prep E-Ms Rhimes

Prep A-Miss Hope
Prep B-Miss Papa
Prep C-Ms Lloyd
Prep D-Mrs Herres
Prep E-Ms Rhimes
Prep A-Miss Hope
Prep B-Miss Papa
Prep C-Ms Lloyd
Prep D-Mrs Herres
Prep E-Ms Rhimes

Upcoming learning 

During the next fortnight, Prep students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Week 4: We are reading the story 'Puggle' to help us explore echidnas. We will be making inferences while we read and stretching out unknown words.

Week 5: We will be learning about Fiction and Non-fiction texts, their features and exploring how they are different.

We will continue to engage in daily Phonics lessons, focusing on -s suffix at the end of words, and the /ck/ digraph. We are continuing to link our learning to the sounds learnt earlier in the year.


Week 4: We are learning about how to ask and how to write questions, with a focus on Australian animals.

Week 5: We are learning to write information reports on Native Australian animals.


Week 4: We will be learning about collecting and recording data, including forming our own questions.

Week 5: We will be learning Australian money.



Week 4: Discovering Native Animals (Monotremes), including their external features, offspring and habitats.

Week 5: Discovering Native Animals (Birds), including their external features, offspring and habitats.

Social and Emotional Week 4 & 5: We will be continuing our unit on Respectful Relationships, including: Problem Solving, Resilience, Social and emotional learning, Gender stereotypes, Gender Equality and building positive relationships.

News and reminders 

  • We had SO much fun celebrating our 100 Days of Prep on Monday!! Prep students have worked so hard and deserved their day of celebrations! 
  • Make sure you check our the '100 Days of Prep' page in this newsletter for some updates on our day and some photos! 
  • Reader satchels-  In between the reader change, please continue reading our decodable book as this will help with fluency, comprehension and blending skills. 
  • Heart words- Teachers will be checking heart words throughout the week and updating them as needed.
  • Moonlit Sanctuary excursion on the 6th of September- Please provide consent and payment via Compass as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please ask your child's classroom teacher. 
  • Book week dress up!  OnMonday 21st August, students are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character.

Celebration of learning

Practicing our reading
using whisper phones
in Prep B!
Practicing our reading
using whisper phones
in Prep B!
Prep C
measuring and comparing mass
of different objects
Prep C
measuring and comparing mass
of different objects
Prep D
measuring and comparing mass.
Prep D
measuring and comparing mass.