Classroom & Curriculum News

Weekly Assembly Awards

Congratulations to the students who worked hard this week and received an Encouragement  and Recognition Award!!


Happy Birthday!!

We wished Happy Birthday to the students pictured below.

House Colour Competition

House TeamsTotal Points


On Friday 11th August we continued with our regular House Colour Competition. This week it was a Walk-A-Thon. There were two courses, one for the Preps, Ones and Twos and one for the Threes, Fours, Fives and Sixes. The Juniors walke from the school yard, between the church, along Avoca, Birmingham and Somerville before re-entering the school yard. The Seniors walked along Somerville, Fehon, Avoca, Birmingham and Somerville before re-entering the school.

A very big thank you to our parent helpers - Desi, Mandy, Elise, Claire and Adam who helped to supervise the students along key points on the course.

All students participated fully, with quite a few students completing 11 or more laps, which is a remarkable achievement for the 40 minutes of Walk-A-Thon time.

The final results were:

Yellow House - 238 points

Red House - 300 points

Blue House - 335 points

Red House - 311 points


Inter-School Sport Netball


Cooking in the 1/2's:

Last Thursday both 1/2 grades got together to practice our cooking skills through making a fruit salad. The students got into groups of 4 and grabbed a kid friendly knife, chopping board and apron then got to work cutting a chosen fruit. They worked together to create a fruit salad which consisted of apples, pears, oranges and rock melon. The students had fun trying to work together to cut there chosen fruit to make a fruit salad. Whilst it was an messy activity, the students loved it especially after seeing what they had made. We had lots of fun and look forward to completing another cooking activity in the future.






 THURSDAY 7th September

This year the theme for Book Week is Read, Grow, Inspire... With such a diverse and interesting theme we look forward to seeing all the students dress up for our Parade on Thursday 7th September 9am in the hall.


Students are encouraged to come dressed as a fictional character from a book and bring the book with them on the day for the parade. 


We look forward to seeing all the creative costumes.