Physical Education

Welcome back to Term Three. We hope everyone had a lovely Winter holiday break. This term we are focusing on developing skills used in specific sports, such as Hockey, AFL and Soccer.  


Year Six students will have the opportunity to participate in the Syndal District Sport Basketball Round-Robin competition in Week 9.


We have an exciting program during the last week of Term Three for the whole school. AFL Schools will be running a program for all year levels to learn and develop skills relating to Australian Rules, such as kicking and handballing a football. 



In Term Three, our Prep learners will engage in a modified games unit, where we take already learnt skills (such as throwing and catching) and practise them through various games and interactive learning tasks. This unit also focuses on equal participation, fair play and teamwork. Prep learners will then transition into a soccer unit, focusing primarily on kicking skills. This is the first time Prep learners will be introduced to kicking in Physical Education, with a heavy focus on correct technique and control of a soccer ball. 


Curriculum Links:

  • Practise fundamental movement skills and movement sequences using different body parts and in response to stimuli in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM064)
  • Cooperate with others when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM068)
  • Use trial and error to test solutions to movement challenges (VCHPEM069)


Key Vocabulary:

Fair play, teamwork, sportsmanship, kicking


Year 1 and 2

Throughout this term, Year One and Two learners will be diving into two exciting units: Modified games and AFL (Australian Rules Football). In the modified games unit, our students will be honing their skills in rule following, teamwork, and sportsmanship through a range of exciting and interactive learning tasks. From cooperative relays to small-sided games, Year One and Two learners will work collaboratively, supporting one another, and displaying sportsmanship. From participating in these modified games, learners can transfer their teamwork skills into group related tasks in the future. In the AFL unit, we will primarily focus on punt kicking and the correct technique when performing this skill through skill development tasks and target practise. Once developing the punt kick, this skill can be used in modified AFL tasks/games and transferred across to other kicking sports. 


Curriculum Links:

  • Perform fundamental movement skills in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM080)
  • Use strategies to work in group situations when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM085)
  • Identify rules and fair play when creating and participating in physical activities (VCHPEM087)


Key Vocabulary:

Sportsmanship, teamwork, fair play, punt kick


Year 3 and 4

This term, our Year Three and Four learners will participate in two engaging units: Hockey and Lifelong Physical Activity. In the Hockey unit, our learners will explore all aspects of the exciting sport of Hockey. They will focus on developing their passing and ball control techniques, to transfer these skills into gameplay. Through engaging drills, team exercises, and friendly matches, Year Three and Four learners will strengthen their hand-eye coordination, strategic thinking, and collaborative spirit. In our Lifelong Physical Activity unit, we aim to instil in our learners a love for physical activity that lasts a lifetime. We believe that staying active and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential. Students will explore a variety of activities that can be enjoyed throughout their lives as well as experiencing the benefits of different physical activities. This unit aims to foster a sense of curiosity, resilience, and self-motivation, encouraging our students to embrace a healthy and active lifestyle now and in the years to come.


Curriculum Links:

  • Practise and refine fundamental movement skills in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM097)
  • Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM102)
  • Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges (VCHPEM103)
  • Examine the benefits of physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing (VCHPEM100)


Key Vocabulary:

Push pass, trapping, healthy lifestyle, life-long physical activity


Year 5 and 6

In Term Three, Year Five and Six learners will be undertaking two different units: Hockey and Lifelong Physical Activity. Our learners will focus on enhancing and refining their skills used in Hockey, such as their passing skills and developing a keen understanding of strategy within gameplay. Through engaging drills, tactical exercises, and exciting matches, Year Five and Six students will strengthen their hand-eye coordination, decision-making abilities, and teamwork. In the Lifelong Physical Activity unit, we aim to inspire our students to embrace physical activity as a lifelong pursuit. We believe that fostering a love for fitness and well-being early on sets the foundation for a healthy and active adulthood. Students will have the opportunity to explore various activities that can be enjoyed throughout their lives. They will engage in activities that promote physical fitness, mental well-being, and a positive outlook on leading an active lifestyle. This unit will empower our students to discover their personal preferences and encourage habits that will contribute to their long-term health and happiness.


Curriculum Links:

  • Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM115)
  • Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCHPEM120)
  • Apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess solutions to movement challenges (VCHPEM121)
  • Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing (VCHPEM118)


Key Vocabulary:

Striking, trapping, life-long physical activity


How can you support your child’s Physical Education learning at home?  

  • Continue participating in family physical activities such as going to the park and going for a walk or a bike ride. 
  • Follow a yoga video – such as Cosmic Kids Yoga
  • Research and view footage to learn more about how various sports are played.
  • Create an obstacle course outside and see how quickly (but safely) you can get to the end