LAST REMINDER for the P&F Social Night - This Friday Night
You are invited to join us for the highly anticipated 2023 P&F Social Event & Fundraiser, to be held on Friday 11th August.Ticket sales are closed but if you decide you want to come it's not too late - please contact Bree ( Mob: 0438 743 088)
Featuring real casino tables with trained croupiers, finger food by Salute Catering, live music, a silent auction and prizes to be won! So book a babysitter and start planning your Gatsby inspired outfit.
Special thanks to our event sponsor, Leigh Fletcher, Buxton, Hampton East.
Father's & Special Friends' Day Stall - Friday 25th August
This year, the students will have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their dad or special someone at our Father's & Special Friends' Day Stall to be held on Friday 25th August. Gifts will range between $2 to $10 (cards $1). Stall will be CASH ONLY. Students will visit the stall in their class groups, and with their siblings, during the morning.
If there are any Grade 2 parents that wish to volunteer their time in managing the stall, please advise your class rep.
Father's & Special Friends' Day Breakfast - Thursday 31st August
The St Agnes' mums will be cooking a special breakfast for dads, grandads, special friends and children on Thursday 31st August. The breakfast will be held before school and commence at 7:30am. An all-inclusive meal of egg & bacon rolls, cereal, juice, coffee/tea will be available.
Tickets on sale next week!
If there are any mums that can assist in the morning with cooking and serving, please get in touch with your respective class rep/s.
We are also seeking donations for the Father's Day raffle; if you are able to donate any items, please contact Georgia on 0439 386 692.
Sausage Sizzle - Term 3
Swing past and grab an after school snack - sausages and juice on sale. EFT available.
BBQ Roster for Term 3 is as follows. Please contact your class rep if you can assist with cooking and serving.
Fri 11th - Prep, Lauren & Sarah
For more info, please contact Sally on 0412 243 738.