General Information

Information which you need to be aware of.


We are very pleased to welcome Ms Tayla Cook, who will be joining us each Friday until the end of the year.  Tayla joins our pool of replacement teachers who can cover classes when staff are offsite.



It has been very pleasing to see so many students wearing the new uniform options.  Families received a pamphlet last week outlining the new uniform expectations and answering some frequently asked questions.  The uniform can be purchased from Rushfords Schoolwear located in Barnes Place, Werribee.  As you can see from the images below, these new options have been widely embraced by the students.


My child’s current uniform is in good condition, do I need to buy the new one?

No, as long as your child is in full school uniform, they can wear the current one until you decide to transition across. Remember that the old uniform will not be restocked instore. Once supplies are sold they are no longer available.


What days does my child wear the new uniform?

The new uniform is multipurpose therefore it is waorn everyday regardless of whether your chils has sport or not.


What parts of the new uniform do I buy?

You now just mix and match any combination that you like from the new uniform wardrobe. This means if your child does not feel the cold you do not need to buy the track pants. We hope this will save families money as they are not having to purchase items their child won't want to wear.


Are any current items able to be worn with the new uniform?

Yes, the sports shorts, polo top, soft shell jacket, hat, vest cardigan and jacket can be worn with the new uniform. 


What shoes will be worn with the new uniform?

Students must wear runners with the new uniform. These must be predominantly white or black in colour.


Can I replace new uniform items with unbranded items from Kmart, Target, etc?

No, with the reduced cost of the uniform we are expecting families to use the official uniform items which are identified by the school logo.


Can my child wear leggings or long-sleeved undergarments under the uniform for warmth or sun protection?

Yes, however they must be from the official uniform list. These items have now been added to the wardrobe.


In line with the school’s safety procedures and policies, we hold regular safety drills.  These enable the school community to practise efficiently evacuating or locking down an area of the school.  Last week on Monday 24th July, we held our Term 3 Evacuation drill.  The students and staff are to be commended on the calm way they approached this exercise, which was completed in conjunction with Quantin Binnah staff.  



Schools complete the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) every year. It counts the number of students who receive additional adjustments or “help” at school because of a disability. The NCCD helps governments and schools plan for the needs of students with a disability. For further information click on the link NCCD Information Sheet.  

NCCD Information Sheet


The Linewize platform helps schools, students and families to develop better digital habits, while also monitoring and tracking digital usages.  With St John’s now working in partnership with Linewize, our parents have access to an Online Safety Parent Hub, via the school’s website. This Hub has a wealth of tips and information for families.

Below is a link to an article found in the ‘Hot Topics’ section of the Hub.  Online Safety Expert, Taryn Wren explores the two popular games; Roblox and Minecraft.  Both these online games allow players to be highly creative in imaginary worlds. Wren suggests that these games are incredibly popular with kids because they are easy to play and allow players the freedom to create while socialising with others. Users can build anything they desire in Minecraft and create any game that they wish to play in Roblox.  Both games have a multiplayer function that allows users to chat with one another while they are playing the game.  As with all online chat platforms, there can be some safety risks for kids when engaging with these games.