Student Recognition Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award!

PMYaniceFor her tremendous start at her new school. You have settled in very well. 
PMTomFor your efforts this week when presenting your writing to the class.
PPPriscillaFor her improved effort in handwriting. I am so impressed by how neatly you are writing now, Priscilla. You are a super star!
PPRikaFor the incredible detail he includes in his weekend recount writing. Amazing work, Rika!
PWAdellaFor settling into Prep W so well and trying your best in every lesson. We love having you at DPS Adella!
PWSiqiFor showing such a huge improvement in Reading and Writing. I am so proud of you Siqi!
1GAdaFor participating enthusiastically during Guided Reading sessions and actively engaging in small groups discussions. Well done Ada! Keeping aiming high! 
1GMarcusFor attempting all set tasks with a positive attitude and listening attentively during teaching and instruction time. Keep working hard Marcus!  
1LLeenaFor her hard work and dedication to improve in her Reading and Writing. She should also be proud of her effort on Reading Eggs. Well done Leena!
1LChloeFor her improvement in her Writing ability. It’s great to hear her sounding out her words and developing her Spelling. Outstanding work Chloe!
1SNikaFor doing a fantastic job this week learning about arrays in maths. I am so proud of you! 
1SEthanFor showing detail in your narratives this term. I am very impressed with your writing. Well done!
2MAustinFor his excellent public speaking skills. Well done, Austin. 
2MJuliaFor making very insightful text to self, text to text and text to world connections. Clever thinking, Julia!
2SRachelFor your fantastic narrative writing this week.  Keep up the great work..
2SEshanFor making great choices at playtime.  Well done.
2QKimiFor settling in well to his new class and school. Well done!
2QEesaFor always doing his best and taking pride in his work. Keep up the good work Eesa.
3BOliviaFor your outstanding improvement in Reader’s Workshop and your ability to successfully make detailed text-to-self connections. You have put in a solid effort over the past few weeks! Well done Olivia!
3GJasonFor your wonderful efforts in developing sentence fluency in your writing. You were able to create at atmosphere of calm in your pieces by using long, descriptive sentences. Well done!
3GKylieFor your fabulous efforts in writing. You have made such improvements in your vocabulary. Well done, Kylie!
3QRuchenFor settling into 3Q so well and showing such dedication to improve your maths skills particularly in partitioning.
3QAriyaFor showing determination in all learning tasks and trying your personal best. Outstanding achievement.   
3QJerryFor showing our school values in learning to speak English and having success in starting to write simple sentences. 
4KStephenFor settling in so well into the school routine and trying so hard despite the challenges. Stephen is consistently striving for success. Keep it up Stephen!
4KChloe MFor trying extra hard and applying herself with every subject. She showing determination by trying really hard not to give up when there is a challenge. You should be very proud of your hard work!
4WBDinuoFor your fantastic contributions to our class discussion about tips for solving times tables. Thanks for helping us all out!
4WBYunaFor your wonderful contributions to class discussions and insightful questions this week. Fantastic work!
5CVrittiFor an outstanding autobiography. Well done Vritti!
5CArchitFor an outstanding autobiography. Well done Archit!
5EManuellaFor writing a wonderful biography. It was very clear that you were passionate about the topic. Welldone for also being a kind and reliable member of the class who is always willing to help others. 
5EAlevFor being so persistent in maths and continuing to try even when things got difficult. You have shown so much improvement and should be extremely proud of your efforts! 
5KArnavFor always contributing to class discussions and sharing his excellent general knowledge.
5KMaryFor working so hard on her biography of Vida Goldstein. She has made sure to write information in her own words and engage the reader.
6CMeiFor her hard work, improvement and great results in Mathematics, and detailed work in Novel Study.
6CThomasFor displaying the DPS values, and a positive hard working attitude towards all areas of his classwork.
6JRinahFor consistently providing detailed answers in novel study. Great job Rinah! 
6JDorsaFor always representing DPS values of determination, pride and success in all aspects of school life and being kind to her peers! 
6MLenaFor always putting in 110% effort in all her work. Well done Lena!

Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award in a specialist class!



Prep W

For being a cooperative, caring and enthusiastic student. She also works very well in all her lessons. Well done Liana!
ArtClara 2MFor her excellent responsible attitude to all her learning. She is always a cooperative and helpful student in class. Well done, Clara!
ArtYuna 4WBFor approaching her school day with enthusiasm and cheerfulness and a willingness to do her best work. Well done, Yuna!
ArtAnna 4SFor always striving to complete her best work in class especially improving on her art techniques and always being a helpful student. Well done, Anna! 
ArtSmaragda 6CFor consistently displaying an excellent, responsible attitude to all her learning and always being a helpful student in class. Well done, Smaragda! 
ArtRex 5EFor developing a very good responsible attitude to all his learning especially showing a keenness to improve his technique in Art. He is always willing to help in class. Well done, Rex!
Cultural StudiesMegan 1GFor beautiful bookwork in Cultural Studies. Your pictures are detailed and show good understanding of the content. Well done, Megan!
Cultural StudiesMatthew 1L For displaying an excellent knowledge of world geography during Cultural Studies. I was so impressed when you correctly identified Norway on our map!
Cultural StudiesRichard 3BFor working efficiently on your Cultural Studies project on France. Your Slides presentation is looking great!
Cultural StudiesHana 2SFor being an eager and enthusiastic member of each Cultural Studies session. I love to hear your great thoughts and ideas. Great job, Hana!
Cultural StudiesEvelyn PMFor always putting your hand up to answer questions during Cultural Studies. Your answers show excellent listening skills. Great job, Evelyn! 
Cultural StudiesLaith 3BFor working efficiently on your Cultural Studies project on France. Your Slides presentation is looking great! 
LOTETrista 4KFor approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. She shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you, Trista!
LOTELuka 4SFor being willing to participate in all class activities and approaching his work with a positive attitude. Well done Luka!
LOTEBenita 5EFor developing good Chinese oral skills and responding well during class discussions. Good work, Benita!
LOTEParham 5KFor being willing to participate in all class activities, including oral practice with gestures. Well done Parham!
LOTEAdrina 6CFor approaching her work with a positive attitude and continuings to make good progress. Well done Adrina!
LOTEEason 6MFor approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. He shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you.
ScienceBardia 1Sfor becoming a confident contributor to class discussion, Bardia always has lots to share!
ScienceYi 1Gfor his great improvement in science, Yi has shown understanding and pride in all his work this term!
ScienceRastin 3Qfor his improvement in attitude and effort in science, keep it up Rastin!
ScienceNeli 4Kfor her growing confidence in asking and answering questions, well done Neli!
ScienceDonya 6Mfor her improvement in science, you showed great effort in our mold experiments, well done!
ScienceJayden 5Efor his consistent hard work in science, Jayden always tries his best in presenting his work!