Student Recognition Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award! | ||
PM | Yanice | For her tremendous start at her new school. You have settled in very well. |
PM | Tom | For your efforts this week when presenting your writing to the class. |
PP | Priscilla | For her improved effort in handwriting. I am so impressed by how neatly you are writing now, Priscilla. You are a super star! |
PP | Rika | For the incredible detail he includes in his weekend recount writing. Amazing work, Rika! |
PW | Adella | For settling into Prep W so well and trying your best in every lesson. We love having you at DPS Adella! |
PW | Siqi | For showing such a huge improvement in Reading and Writing. I am so proud of you Siqi! |
1G | Ada | For participating enthusiastically during Guided Reading sessions and actively engaging in small groups discussions. Well done Ada! Keeping aiming high! |
1G | Marcus | For attempting all set tasks with a positive attitude and listening attentively during teaching and instruction time. Keep working hard Marcus! |
1L | Leena | For her hard work and dedication to improve in her Reading and Writing. She should also be proud of her effort on Reading Eggs. Well done Leena! |
1L | Chloe | For her improvement in her Writing ability. It’s great to hear her sounding out her words and developing her Spelling. Outstanding work Chloe! |
1S | Nika | For doing a fantastic job this week learning about arrays in maths. I am so proud of you! |
1S | Ethan | For showing detail in your narratives this term. I am very impressed with your writing. Well done! |
2M | Austin | For his excellent public speaking skills. Well done, Austin. |
2M | Julia | For making very insightful text to self, text to text and text to world connections. Clever thinking, Julia! |
2S | Rachel | For your fantastic narrative writing this week. Keep up the great work.. |
2S | Eshan | For making great choices at playtime. Well done. |
2Q | Kimi | For settling in well to his new class and school. Well done! |
2Q | Eesa | For always doing his best and taking pride in his work. Keep up the good work Eesa. |
3B | Olivia | For your outstanding improvement in Reader’s Workshop and your ability to successfully make detailed text-to-self connections. You have put in a solid effort over the past few weeks! Well done Olivia! |
3G | Jason | For your wonderful efforts in developing sentence fluency in your writing. You were able to create at atmosphere of calm in your pieces by using long, descriptive sentences. Well done! |
3G | Kylie | For your fabulous efforts in writing. You have made such improvements in your vocabulary. Well done, Kylie! |
3Q | Ruchen | For settling into 3Q so well and showing such dedication to improve your maths skills particularly in partitioning. |
3Q | Ariya | For showing determination in all learning tasks and trying your personal best. Outstanding achievement. |
3Q | Jerry | For showing our school values in learning to speak English and having success in starting to write simple sentences. |
4K | Stephen | For settling in so well into the school routine and trying so hard despite the challenges. Stephen is consistently striving for success. Keep it up Stephen! |
4K | Chloe M | For trying extra hard and applying herself with every subject. She showing determination by trying really hard not to give up when there is a challenge. You should be very proud of your hard work! |
4WB | Dinuo | For your fantastic contributions to our class discussion about tips for solving times tables. Thanks for helping us all out! |
4WB | Yuna | For your wonderful contributions to class discussions and insightful questions this week. Fantastic work! |
5C | Vritti | For an outstanding autobiography. Well done Vritti! |
5C | Archit | For an outstanding autobiography. Well done Archit! |
5E | Manuella | For writing a wonderful biography. It was very clear that you were passionate about the topic. Welldone for also being a kind and reliable member of the class who is always willing to help others. |
5E | Alev | For being so persistent in maths and continuing to try even when things got difficult. You have shown so much improvement and should be extremely proud of your efforts! |
5K | Arnav | For always contributing to class discussions and sharing his excellent general knowledge. |
5K | Mary | For working so hard on her biography of Vida Goldstein. She has made sure to write information in her own words and engage the reader. |
6C | Mei | For her hard work, improvement and great results in Mathematics, and detailed work in Novel Study. |
6C | Thomas | For displaying the DPS values, and a positive hard working attitude towards all areas of his classwork. |
6J | Rinah | For consistently providing detailed answers in novel study. Great job Rinah! |
6J | Dorsa | For always representing DPS values of determination, pride and success in all aspects of school life and being kind to her peers! |
6M | Lena | For always putting in 110% effort in all her work. Well done Lena! |
Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award in a specialist class! | ||
Art | Liana Prep W | For being a cooperative, caring and enthusiastic student. She also works very well in all her lessons. Well done Liana! |
Art | Clara 2M | For her excellent responsible attitude to all her learning. She is always a cooperative and helpful student in class. Well done, Clara! |
Art | Yuna 4WB | For approaching her school day with enthusiasm and cheerfulness and a willingness to do her best work. Well done, Yuna! |
Art | Anna 4S | For always striving to complete her best work in class especially improving on her art techniques and always being a helpful student. Well done, Anna! |
Art | Smaragda 6C | For consistently displaying an excellent, responsible attitude to all her learning and always being a helpful student in class. Well done, Smaragda! |
Art | Rex 5E | For developing a very good responsible attitude to all his learning especially showing a keenness to improve his technique in Art. He is always willing to help in class. Well done, Rex! |
Cultural Studies | Megan 1G | For beautiful bookwork in Cultural Studies. Your pictures are detailed and show good understanding of the content. Well done, Megan! |
Cultural Studies | Matthew 1L | For displaying an excellent knowledge of world geography during Cultural Studies. I was so impressed when you correctly identified Norway on our map! |
Cultural Studies | Richard 3B | For working efficiently on your Cultural Studies project on France. Your Slides presentation is looking great! |
Cultural Studies | Hana 2S | For being an eager and enthusiastic member of each Cultural Studies session. I love to hear your great thoughts and ideas. Great job, Hana! |
Cultural Studies | Evelyn PM | For always putting your hand up to answer questions during Cultural Studies. Your answers show excellent listening skills. Great job, Evelyn! |
Cultural Studies | Laith 3B | For working efficiently on your Cultural Studies project on France. Your Slides presentation is looking great! |
LOTE | Trista 4K | For approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. She shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you, Trista! |
LOTE | Luka 4S | For being willing to participate in all class activities and approaching his work with a positive attitude. Well done Luka! |
LOTE | Benita 5E | For developing good Chinese oral skills and responding well during class discussions. Good work, Benita! |
LOTE | Parham 5K | For being willing to participate in all class activities, including oral practice with gestures. Well done Parham! |
LOTE | Adrina 6C | For approaching her work with a positive attitude and continuings to make good progress. Well done Adrina! |
LOTE | Eason 6M | For approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. He shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you. |
Science | Bardia 1S | for becoming a confident contributor to class discussion, Bardia always has lots to share! |
Science | Yi 1G | for his great improvement in science, Yi has shown understanding and pride in all his work this term! |
Science | Rastin 3Q | for his improvement in attitude and effort in science, keep it up Rastin! |
Science | Neli 4K | for her growing confidence in asking and answering questions, well done Neli! |
Science | Donya 6M | for her improvement in science, you showed great effort in our mold experiments, well done! |
Science | Jayden 5E | for his consistent hard work in science, Jayden always tries his best in presenting his work! |