Fathering Project-

 Mrs Coumaros

Wellbeing evening - Wednesday 9th August, 2023

What a successful evening last night was! We had over 70 people attend!

A huge thank you to all DPS parents and students for coming along to support our Wellbeing evening.

I would particularly like to thank Dr. Cameron Ewert and Dr. Geng Hao Zheng for their informative and practical strategies and information. It was lovely to see parents take pictures of the slides and scan the QR codes for further information they can use at home with their families. Artin B and Satia R from 5C provided an amazing intermission playing the Persian drums and singing. Well done Artin and Satia! Thank you to Kelvin Wong for supplying the Godiva hot chocolate and Krispy Kreme donuts. Thank you to Kumar Shankar for his amazing photography on the night. Thank you to our Fathering Committee for their support.

Events like these provide an opportunity for our parents from various cultural backgrounds to network and get together. We look forward to your on going support to our future events!

Kathey Coumaros