Tutor Learning Initiative (TLI) – Update

We have had a busy start to Term Three! The Grade Fours completed a three-week Learning Sprint, where they focused on rounding whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. We were incredibly pleased as everyone showed tremendous growth in their post-test results.
In reading we improved our structure for writing a concise summary. Students used a checklist/table to guide them in writing their summaries and editing their work for essential information and correct structure.
We continue to focus on the Super Six reading strategies: Making Connections and Summarising this term. We have more Grade Twos commencing TLI this week. One group of new students have completed a single word diagnostic test, to look for patterns, strengths and difficulties and set goals to help them with their phonemic awareness over the term.
In Mathematics we are working on Multiplicative Thinking, revising key understandings, and ensuring students have multiple exposures to store their learning in their long-term memory before moving onto division. We have played fun math games to help with learning number facts and arrays.
Jayne Hill (Tutor)