Middle Years News

Another Term Bites the Dust!
As we head to the end of Term 3, I am heartened to see how the young people within our College community have, and continue to, develop. Our Year 7s have grown to be confident members of our school community, navigating their classes and the halls of the school with ease. The Year 8s have grown (not just in height) but in their spirit and school connectedness. And the Year 9s are about to enter their final term in Middle School before they head off to start their Senior School journeys.
We have had a very busy term with many events packed across the short 10 weeks. It has been wonderful to see so many students celebrating the contributions of their male role models at the PFA’s Fathers’ Day Breakfast, demonstrate their talents at the Spring Concerts, and participate in day-to-day KSC life to the best of their abilities. The Middle Years team has congratulated and celebrated a number of students who have demonstrated the school values, through awarding the SWPBS Merit Certificates. Well done to all students!
Over the last few weeks, we have run student-led assemblies in the Middle Years, allowing students to develop their public speaking and leadership skills. These assemblies have focused on student growth and celebrating the successes of individuals and the groups as a while. I want to commend all Middle Years students on their conduct during these, and congratulate them on their achievements across the term.
I hope that each of you reading this are able to have a restful break, and enjoy the sunshine that the start of spring brings.
Food! Glorious Food!
On the Pyjama Day free-dress day, the Middle Years Captains (Jude, Olive, Latitia and Aliyah), assisted by Ms Sarah Lane, coordinated and ran a soup stand for Middle Years students. This allowed the students to enjoy a warm and hearty meal, whilst connecting with their Captains. Thank you to the Captains, and to Ms Lane for organising such a delicious treat for Middle Years.
School for Student Leadership
We are excited to announce that Koonung has been fortunate enough to receive a place for 6 students to attend and participate in the School for Student Leadership in Term 3, 2023. This exciting experience will be open to current Year 8 students (Year 9 2024). The School for Student Leadership (formerly known as the Alpine School) allows students to spend 9 weeks deepening their learning at Snowy River, whilst developing their leadership skills. This learning continues upon student return to school as they develop and implement a project to help our school community. More information regarding the SSL can be found at http://www.alpineschool.vic.edu.au/
Applications will be open in Term 4 and I encourage all Year 8 students to keep an eye on their Compass newsfeed for further information.
Mat Delaney
Director of Learning: Middle School
Middle Years Team
Mathew Delaney Director of Learning: Middle Years | Regan Garner Middle School Administrator
| Jordan Dunn Year 9 Coordinator
| Kirby Sens Year 8 Coordinator
| Stuart Kofoed Year 7 Coordinator | Lauren Hughes Middle Years Coordinator
Live Life newsletter Term 3 2023
Hi everyone
What better way to show you what happened during this term of Live Life at Koonung than to let the Live Life leaders tell you.
Safal Giri
‘New skills that were fun and engaging. Overall, Live Life provided a great way to de-stress and try new things
Ella Bridges
‘This term in Live Life was very enjoyable because I loved hearing from all the guest speakers and doing all the activities. My favourite was when we did just dance because it got us up on our feet and was very fun to do with friends.’
Ahmad Abdullah
‘Live Life has been an escape from traditional learning, allowing us to explore a myriad of things related to growing up and it has allowed us to interact with and learn from many different people. As part of the 'Community' module we were given the opportunity to give back to the community - for me, this was going to Box Hill Primary to help with various activities and see what goes behind running a school, along with helping the greater community, this also helps us develop basic skills which help us prepare for the workforce, which many of us will be joining this year or in the near future’.
Camden Ngo
‘I was a part of the Life module this term, and I personally enjoyed the budgeting task the most. It was my favourite because I got to work on a fun project with my mates’.
Kian Shafaie
‘This term in live life I was in the Life Module, one of the most interesting activities we did was the martial arts program where we got a quick crash course on a few simple techniques. The class was definitely fun and more interesting than I expected.’
Violet Ho
In Group this term, I really enjoyed spending time talking and playing with the kids at the daycare and getting to know them. It was a wonderful experience and it also allowed us to develop skills of independence by arranging our own transport to the placements every Wednesday.
Zoe Newbury
I was in community with my friends this term, and I had a great time interacting and helping the kids at daycare. It was a great experience that has taught us different skills such as patience, time management, organization etc.
Payoja Basak
I enjoyed Life Live this term because it gave me the opportunity to learn more about life after school, and I was able to try new things that I would never have thought I would be able to try. I think the Life Module was a great chance to learn more about the future and what the world has to give.
Shaun Sanderson
Live Life and Lunchtime Activities Co-ordinator