Principal Report

Another Busy term....
A big thank you to all of the staff, students and families for another busy term here at Koonung. Schools are incredibly busy places. On top of the focus on teaching and learning in the classrooms, the past few weeks have seen many events, activities and opportunities for our students to engage in activities both inside the College, and out in our wider community.
These events have included; The Victorian State Schools Spectacular, the Koonung Ski trip, Spring music concerts, District sports carnival, Interzonal Chess Championships (2nd place to Koonung!), Interact Trivia Night, the PFA Fathers' Day Breakfast, the Mont Albert/Surrey Hills Rotary Peace Pole Ceremony, visit from Box Hill North Primary School, Pyjama Day, Masterclasses, Elite 8 Basketball, District Sport, Legal Studies excursion, Year 12 Gladiators, Biology excursion, Science Space excursion, House Debating, SRC After School fundraising, the Australian Geography Competition, and the Australian Mathematics competition. All of this has been occurring at the same time that students' and families have been engaged in subject and course selection for 2024. There are so many events and opportunities available for students to get involved with at Koonung, and it is great to see students taking these opportunities, building connections and relationships and enhancing their learning, both academically and socially through the wide range of activities on offer.
Course Selection for 2024
As we come to the end of the Term 3, students have been notified of their subject selections for next year. A big thank you to the Sub School Teams, Careers and Pathways Team, Timetable team and all students and families for their involvement in this important process. Koonung runs a student choice curriculum. This means that the subjects and programs that students wish to purse and indicate to us in their selections sets the curriculum and subjects that we offer. I am pleased to say that over 98% of subject selections made by our students have been accommodated. While this is a very high number, it also means that not all student selections made during the process have been achieved, and some subjects do not run. All students who have not received their full course of selections have been notified and will receive one on one support in selecting a program for 2024.
Year 12
This week marks the final week of classroom lessons for our Year 12 students. Over the past few weeks, they have been working hard towards achieving success in their final SACS and beginning the preparation for the end of VCE exams. After the spring holidays, they will return for a period of practice exams and intense revision for the exams. Resources to support our students for the upcoming exams have been provided in all subject areas and is accessible by all students in the School Resource Tab of Compass. (Navigate to the Senior School folder for the resources.)
Practice Exams for Year 12 students begin in the holidays with the English exam scheduled at the College on Monday 18 September and Thursday 28 September. The practice exams continue on the College site on Monday 2 October, Tuesday 3 October and Wednesday 4 October. All students have been notified of the practice exam schedule.
On behalf of the whole college community, I wish them all the best for their revision over the holidays, as well as their upcoming exams. I have been so impressed with how they have been focused on their studies this year and working towards their goals. We know that in the VCE exams, there is no such thing as luck, and that hard work is a key causal factor of achievement, so on behalf of the whole College- all the best to our Year 12 students in their last few weeks of school.
Student Free Day- First Day of Term 4
Please note that Monday 2 October is a student free day for whole staff professional learning. Term 4 begins on Tuesday 3 October for all students in Years 7 to 11. Students in Year 12 will be engaged in practice exams from Thursday 28 September to Wednesday 4 October and are expected on-site for their scheduled practice exams.
Safety when travelling to and from school
You may be aware of an incident that occurred last week in which a student from a school in the South-Eastern suburbs of Melbourne was seriously injured while walking home from school.
This is a horrible situation, and our hearts go out to the student, student’s family and friends at this incredibly difficult time. This incident was extremely confronting but also extremely uncommon in the area and police do not believe there is an elevated risk to local safety.
The safety of our students is always our number one priority and I wanted to take this opportunity to share with you some advice around safe travel practices when going to and from school, which you can support you in discussing your own child’s travel arrangements;
- Always travel directly to and from school and avoiding making stops or side trips along the way. If you are catching public transport, walk directly to the bus stop or train station.
- Where possible travel in pairs or groups. You may want to arrange to meet friends and walk to school together.
- Remain alert to your surroundings and try to avoid using your phone while walking.
- If you are getting picked up, remain on school grounds until your ride has arrived.
- If there is anything that makes a student feel uncomfortable in any way, they should leave the area and report any concerns to an adult or phone the police.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any concerns regarding the safety of your child travelling to or from school.
Structure of School Day in 2024
Please note that the timings of the school day will be modified in 2024. The key difference that students and families will notice is that the school day will finish at 3pm. This change to the school day has been implemented for a number of factors. Firstly, in response the 2022 Victorian Government Schools agreement as it will allow for the change in face-to-face teaching time for teachers and provide clear blocks of planning time for teachers. The earlier finish will also alleviate congestion on the PTV buses that travel from Koonung Secondary College towards Doncaster. Currently the bus to Doncaster arrives at 3.17pm near the College gates. If students miss this bus, then it is over a 20 minute wait for the next bus. Currently these two buses experience considerable overcrowding. The earlier finish to the school day will provide access to extra buses that travel towards Doncaster.
The school day will begin with the first bell at 8.40am with all classes to begin at 8.50am. The changes to the bell times will be reflected in the Compass timetables for all students at the start of the 2024 school year.
Logo Updates
Following on from the change of our College address, we have also recently made adjustments to our College Logo. These changes have been based on direct input and feedback from our students. The updated College logo-
In order to outline the recent changes, it is important to acknowledge the basis for our current logo. Koonung High School was established in 1964. The design of the logo featured a selection of symbols attuned to the arts, humanities and science. At the time, the Arts Centre in Melbourne was being developed. The original design for the Melbourne Arts Centre, by renowned Architect Roy Grounds, formed the key aspect of the new logo for Koonung. It was designed to represent the cultural life of urban Melbourne. Added to the Arts centre motif was a sun rising behind it. As the school was being built at the time of the Space race between the USA and USSR, two planets were added to the logo. Finally, Koonung was developed as a co-educational school in an area and time where a significant number of schools were single sex. The male and female symbols were added in over the top of the two planets. The logo was designed to represent a co-ed school that valued Arts, Science, Technology and Humanities.
Much has changed since 1964, but the core values of the Koonung logo still remain. Koonung Secondary College still values Science, the Arts, Humanities as well as the wider curriculum. Koonung Secondary College is well known in our local area as a college that supports the Academic pursuits and achievements of its students, as well as supporting every individual to grow holistically and be who they choose to be while achieving success. It is important to represent traditions, while remaining relevant in our modern 21st Century society.
In response to student feedback, we have been reviewing the College logo. Key in our considerations have been to maintain tradition, while representing a modern society as well as the cost consideration of changing a logo- especially in relation to the flow on cost of uniform changes and signage.
The updated logo maintains the traditions that Koonung has built over the past 59 years, while representing the values of a modern Australian society. There will be no effect on uniforms with the updated logo to slowly replace uniform items as they are manufactured by our uniform provider. Second hand uniform sales will continue with items with both the original and updated logos accepted as school uniform items.
Building Updates
Work has begun on refurbishing the main toilet block in the College. As expected, the refurbishment on a 60-year-old toilet block doesn't always go to plan, but the original completion date of early December is still being worked towards.
Well done to our students for the way in which they have adapted to capital works occurring in the College and how they are using the existing toilets in the College during this time.
VCE Visual Art Exhibition
Please join us here at Koonung Secondary College on Tuesday October between 3.30-5.00pm to view and celebrate the collective work of our VCE students in Visual Communication Design, Media and Art Creative Practice.
Facebook and Instagram
The College utilises social media to provide quick updates, interesting events, and lots of photos to our community.
We have one official Facebook page and three Instagram pages for member of our community to follow.
Koonung Secondary College | Melbourne VIC | Facebook
Instagram -
Official School Account-
Library Account- KSC Library
Student Leaders- Koonung_secondary_college
Finally, we have received very sad news that one of our former staff members, Ruth Hamilton- Arkley passed away recently while in Europe. As you can imagine, many staff, students and members of our wider college community are upset. Ruth worked in the College as a Casual Replacement Teacher for many years, including during COVID where she came in daily and formed strong relationships with our students and staff. Ruth was a well-respected colleague, mentor and friend to both staff and students.
Please don't hesitate to contact the College if we need to provide support to you or your child with this news. Department of Education psychologists and a social work team are available to provide support if required.
Andrew McNeil