Australian Geography Competition

47 Geography students from across the College tested their geographical skills and knowledge against 70,000 students from all around Australia in the 2023 Australian Geography Competition. Excitingly, we saw a number of student geographers at our school who performed very well in the Competition this year with 2 students in the top 1% in their Year Level across Australia! We also saw 10 students gaining high distinctions, 4 gaining distinctions and 9 students gaining credits. The aim of the Australian Geography Competition is to assess the geographical skills and knowledge of Australian Secondary Students through an online test. The Competition aims to improve student interest and engagement in understanding the world around them. As the Humanities Domain Leader I am very pleased to see how many students from Koonung Secondary College volunteered to participate in this year’s Competition and how many students achieved exceptional results. Certificates for all students who participated in the competition will be formally presented to students at their upcoming Year Level Assemblies.
Jennifer Molloy (She/Her)
Humanities Domain Leader
College Production Musical Director