en Français

Bonjour tout le monde!


Friday 21st July... we are celebrating the fact that last Friday was BASTILLE DAY. 

This Friday the students are welcome to dress up in French colours..... red, blue or white or any variation on the French theme.

We will be having an parade in our assembly at 2.20 pm and our assembly this week is led by Prep L.

There is also a French theme tuckshop this Friday. Please see last week's newsletter for details. The cut off time for orders is tomorrow, Thursday 20th July at 1 pm.


Bonjour tout le monde!

This week, je suis contente (I am happy), tout le monde parle très bien français! (Everyone is very good at French).

This week, across all classes we started to read our new play for the year. 

In preps, we guessed what could happen to La Poule Maboule (The Crazy Chicken).

In Year 1/2 , everyone participated very well and started to read the story of Le chat et la lune (The cat and the moon).

In Year 3/4, tout le monde lit (everybody reads) the story of Boucles Violettes et les 3 ours inspired from the classic Goldilocks and the 3 bears. This time the girl has purple hair. 

In Year 5/6 , this week we asked and answered questions about Marie who lost her petit chien noir (little black dog) in the story Où est mon chien?. 

On Friday, tout le monde célèbre Bastille Day à St Bede’s hourrah! (Everybody celebrates Bastille Day at St Bede’s hooray!) 


A bientôt 
