Religious Education

Dear Parents


This week 5/6 A have been exploring the scripture reading from St Paul to the Corinthians. Please click the underlined reference of the text to access the reading 

1 Corinthians 12:4-11


After reading the scripture, the students were asked to write down their first thoughts. They wrote down what they thought was the message of the scripture passage. Then , after listening to a scripture commentary about the reading, they wrote their thoughts once again. Following this discussion the students were asked to imagine what the world would be like if one reflected on the words of this scripture passage. Below I have included some of the students reflections on the text



First Thinking

I think the text is about different talents and abilities

Second Thinking

We all have different talents and all our skills contribute to something

This text makes me imagine a world in which everyone accepts who they are and what they can do.



First Thinking

I think this text is about the disciples receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit because it mentioned tongues of fire , spirit and gifts.

Second Thinking

Now I know the deeper meaning of the text is that everyone is different in their ways and everyone has their special gift.

This text makes me imagine a world in which everyone has something different that we all use to make the world an even better place than what it already is.



First Thinking

My first thinking is about the different types of gifts that people have. I thought it was about the varieties of different talents.

Second Thinking

My second thinking is that everyone has different gifts. That everyone shall respect each others gifts and that although everyone is different , we are all equal.

This text makes me imagine a world that is full of kindness and love if we use our gifts. It would be a place where caring people would be. There would not be as much jealousy.



First Thinking

I think this reading is about the fact that everyone has different gifts but it is the same Spirit.

Second thinking

I know that the scripture meaning is there is a variety of gifts that people have but no gift is greater than another.

This text makes me imagine a world where people use their special gifts to help one another make a better world.


This process that the students are using is known as the pedagogy of encounter  or the pedagogy of hermeneutics. It provides the students with the opportunity to look at the context in which the scripture was written, engage in dialogue with other students and identify  its meaning in the world in which they live today.


Throughout the term I will share students responses to the work they are exploring in their Religious Education classes


Have a lovely week

Bernadette Reed