Assistant Principals' Report

Year 7-9 Assistant Principal Report: 

Rachel Robertson

Term 3 is well underway, and it has been lovely speaking to students about their holidays – whether it was escaping the winter in Melbourne, or curling up at home with a good book – I hope everyone had a wonderful break.


Our Year 7s had an assembly to learn about language choices for Year 8 next year. A reminder that language preferences are due on Friday 11th August. Parents need to log in to Compass to complete the Insight survey. Please call the office and speak to Marilyn Libbis if you need support with this.


The Year 7s have been completing a decoration challenge in their Wellbeing Lessons. All classroom windows are full of colour and patterns. We look forward to the difficult decision of judging these designs and announcing the winners soon.


In Year 8, they also had an assembly to learn about their subject selection process for next year. Working with their Wellbeing teachers, they have had rich conversations about subject breadth, exploration and the joy of taking a risk by trying something new. Subject Selections have been submitted on Compass.


The Year 8s also participated in a Digital Thumbprint excursion at the beginning of this term. In this session, they learned about the ways in which you can protect yourself online, as well as the impact that your words can have on others. 


It was a pleasure to meet so many Year 9 families for the Year 9 Course Counselling day earlier this term. There was a real buzz in the library as students and families asked questions about subject selections, VCE access and pathway options. The panel is currently reviewing all VCE access requests and will be informing students as soon as possible of the outcome. The final date for students to submit their forms is Friday 28th July.


This week we have also had a number of Chinese Cultural experiences and students have spoken very highly about these activities! Today, while I was taking prospective families on a school tour, a group of students were participating in a Dragon Dancing session outside the library. 


Year 10-12 Assistant Principal Report: 

Renee Liprino

As we enter the third term of the academic year, I am delighted to share some exciting updates and accomplishments from our 10-12 school community.


Course Counselling for 2024

The commencement of Term 3 has marked the beginning of Course Counselling for our Year 10-11 students. This process involves collaboration between students, their families, and our dedicated school staff as we map out future pathways, including TAFE and University courses. We believe in empowering our students to make well-informed decisions about their academic journey and career aspirations. As a new staff member, it has been great getting to know more about the students and discussing their interests.


Winter Bivouac AAFC Cadet Camp

A big that you to all the staff and students who took part in the Winter Bivouac AAFC Cadet Camp, where students had the opportunity to acquire survival skills, including map reading, building emergency shelters, and essential fishing and cooking techniques. These hands-on experiences not only foster resilience and resourcefulness but also instil a sense of camaraderie among our students.



Education CHANCES Scholarships

We congratulate two outstanding Year 10 students who were awarded Education CHANCES Scholarships for 2023. This scholarship program offers financial assistance to students residing or studying in Boroondara, opening doors to higher education opportunities. Additionally, for students attending Melbourne University, the scholarship provides the added benefit of boarding at one of their esteemed colleges. For those interested in learning more about the program or supporting its cause, please visit their website at You can also support this scholarship by attending the Boroondara Farmers Market – which is a major source of funding through Glenferrie Rotary.


Warmest regards,

Renee Liprino

Assistant Principal 10-12