MGC Parents’ Association News

The MGC Parents Association are looking forward to a very busy Term 3 with Parent Social Nights, Father’s Day breakfast and the 2023 Parents Association Grants Scheme Applications opening. For those new to MGC and unfamiliar with the MGC Parents’ Association Grants Scheme, it is an annual program that is run by the MGCPA Committee. Using the generous financial contributions we receive from families through fundraising and school levies, it allows us the ability to offer teaching staff and student groups the chance to apply for funding for ‘extra’ opportunities, benefiting students within the school where these programs or equipment could not readily go ahead or be purchased without assistance from the PA.
To give you an idea of what was funded by the Parent’s Association last year we have included a table of what was requested and granted on behalf of the committee.
Our fundraising events have enabled us to raise significant funds in past years, contributing to: digital cameras; AFL jumpers; graphic novels; the leadership program; blood pressure and pulse cuffs for PE classes; BBQ’s, the STEAM room, sponsorship of representation at a Youth Parliament event; and a large contribution to the creation of the Green Screen Room in the library.
MGC Social Nights
The Parent Social Nights have been arranged by each year level representative and an RSVP form has been setup to allow the reps to managed numbers for each booking. Please RSVP as soon as possible if you can attend these events, it’s a great way to casually catch up and connect with other parents and cares from your child’s year level.
Both the Year 8 and Year 11 & 12 events were held last week with great success, thank you to those who attended. Please RSVP for the upcoming social events, we’d love to see you there!
Upcoming Dates
Monday 17th July PA Grants – Applications Opened
Thursday 20th July Year 8 Parent Social Night
Friday 21st July Year 11 & 12 Parent Social Night
Friday 28th July Year 9 Parent Social Night
Thursday 3rd August Year 10 Parent Social Night
Monday 14th August PA Grants – Applications Close
Tuesday 22nd August PA meeting at 6:30pm
Friday 25th August Year 7 Parent Social Night
Monday 28th August Thank You Morning Tea for all MGC staff
Friday 1st September Fathers’ Day Breakfast
Join Us!
Next meeting – Tuesday 22nd August at 6:30pm
The Parents’ Association is a group of like-minded and eager parents who organise events that connect the community members with each other and the school. We are always on the lookout for extra opinions, ideas, and suggestions - contact us via email or come along to the monthly meetings held in the MGC staff room. Please feel free to join any of the upcoming PA meetings, dates and times can be found on the school’s Compass calendar. Meetings are run in the MGC Staff room on the ground floor, close to the Main Reception entry. Take notice of parking restrictions as a section of the on-street parking permit zones after hours.
MGCPA Official Positions Vacant
We are still seeking new members to get involved in the MGCPA and the following positions are still vacant:
Treasurer (Vacant position)
The school office manages the physical cash. Our Treasurer will collate basic P&L’s and work with the Grants Manager and the office on matching the school bank balance with our figures.
Legacy/Alumni Representative (Vacant position)
Help promote past initiatives of the Parents Association Alumni. Serve as an ambassador to help strengthen communication and connection between the school and our alumni community.
Sponsorship Manager (Vacant position)
Seek sponsorship opportunities to support school events by engaging with MGC parents and local businesses. Provide regular updates on marketing and sponsorship initiatives at regular PA meetings and follow up on agreed action items
Please feel free to join us, we look forward to meeting you.