Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Families and Community members,
Principal Update
After some glimpses of warmer weather and longer days, it looks as though we are about to enjoy a wild and woolly weekend ahead!
Today is Principal's Day, so what better opportunity to embarrass (I mean celebrate!) our wonderful principal class team - Alison, Katrina, Clarissa and Kate - the Assistant Principals working often behind the scenes to make sure our students access the best teaching and learning opportunities. Their goal is always to create an environment where teachers can focus on what they do best - teach, and students can do what they do best - learn!
Collectively these four incredible leaders have so much gratitude for our teaching and education support staff and are inspired by our students and all they achieve daily.
Individually they are modest experts in many areas; Alison a special educator who understands that learning is a continuum which should not be bound by chronology - students learn when they are met at their level, supported with explicit instruction targeted to individual needs and then afforded the time and scaffolds to practice and repeat new skills; Katrina, a teacher who went into tertiary education to then return to schools where her skill set could be greater reaching, an expert in student wellbeing who can also clearly see how its many facets are inextricably linked with academic learning; Clarissa who has embraced the Science of Learning with a vengeance and become so highly knowledgeable in what it takes to ensure all students learn to read; and Kate who can not only use academic assessments and analyse them with enormous precision, but ensure that our students are met with exactly the right instruction depending on the evaluated need.
A common thread linking these four individuals is that they never set out to obtain a title. Rather, they are motivated by knowing that what happens in a classroom setting and the power of excellent teaching. Their relentless pursuit to influence and impact student learning and growth beyond one classroom has lead them to take on leadership roles. In doing so they have been able to spread their knowledge and skill beyond just one classroom and lead with compassion, knowledge and a deep sense of accountability to all students and staff.
Simon Sinek says that "Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in our charge".
Thank you Alison, Katrina, Clarissa and Kate. Your modest, committed and passionate approach to supporting others means that you do not place yourselves on centre stage - you are exactly where you need to be, working behind the scenes on to make sure the stage is reserved for our staff and students.
Principal Helpers
Last week, Owen and Tilly in Year 4 were a touch concerned when, after asking me, "how is it going being a Principal?" I had to tell them the unfortunate news that it was in fact a very busy job and that there were many things on my list I just couldn't quite get to. They reassured me it would be ok and offered to help at any time. Reappearing the next day to check on me and provide their assistance, I was so relieved to be able to tick one job off my list when they hung around to sort out some documents.
Thank you Owen and Tilly - it is so nice to know our students show as much care for their teachers as we do them!
Community Leaders
What a lovely surprise! The other evening the Principals were standing around talking about important Principal stuff in my office.
We noticed some action outside and saw two community heroes out in the street picking up rubbish. Isobel and Sammy spoke to their mum after deciding there was too much rubbish around the outside of the school. They insisted on coming back after school and cleaning up.
Little did they know we would be watching and catch them in the act!!
Like our Assistant Principals, Isobel and Sammy, you should be so proud of yourselves for noticing something that could be improved in the community but then actually taking a stand and doing something about it. It is easy to complain or blame others about something you don't like or when things could be fixed; however it takes special qualities to see an opportunity for improvement and then act on it.
This is leadership and this is integrity - doing something not because others are watching, doing it because it is right.
Isobel and Sammy, thank you for reminding us that students/children are sometimes the best leaders and role models for us all.
Have a great week everyone
Kathryn Sier
Acting Principal