Principal's Report

Mars - Images from Curiosity July 2023

Dear St John's Community,


I do like to keep up with scientific changes and breakthroughs and thought I'd share a recent item of interest. If you haven't heard of the OSIRIS-REx project, it's a special spacecraft launched in 2016 to travel to a 500-metre wide asteroid (101955 Bennu) that could potentially impact Earth between 2169-2199. The craft reached the asteroid in 2018, analysed it, collected samples and sent them back to Earth before moving onto another asteroid. Those samples are due to arrive on Earth in the next few weeks. Scientists are hoping the samples will reveal new insights about the formation and evolution of the early Solar System, the initial stages of planet formation, and the source of organic compounds which led to the formation of life as well as gain insight into how best to deal with asteroids that could potentially target Earth. To put that last point into context for you, a 300 - 500-metre wide asteroid could destroy an entire continent. Kinda important to work these things out as soon as we can! 

Staff changes Term 4

As you may or may not know, two of our beloved teachers are taking maternity leave in Term 4 this year, Mrs Suzie Funtusof and Mrs Vanessa Braham. While we wish them both the very best it leaves us with the decisions on who  or how to replace them for the rest of the year. 


You are probably aware, from various media stories this year, that good teachers are in high demand and in short supply. In fact, we have had our own fair share of difficulties this year finding and/or replacing sick staff or staff who are taking long service leave and who have been unable to do so for several years due to covid.


After long discussion and consultation, I have asked Mr Jason Selby, one of our very experienced teachers to step into the Grade 3B space in Term 4 for 4 days and on Friday's Mrs Eva Wheeler. Together they will work with Mrs Catrina Charman and Mrs Marisa Patton from 3CP. This will ensure continuity and quality of education for our Grade 3 cohort.


Mr Selby, with support from Mrs Lesley Wood, has been involved in building the resources and capacity of the school's digital technologies curriculum for a number of years, ensuring that teachers are upskilled and students are supported in the areas of digital safety, digital aptitude and also engagement in learning. His wealth of experience in this field will be of great benefit to the students. 


Mr Selby will then continue as a classroom teacher into 2024 as the school integrates the digitech program into the individual levels and builds on other curriculum areas in its place. 


I do want to take this moment to acknowledge Mr Selby's contributions in this space, not just at a school level but at a local and state level through his work with the Southern Digital Education Network and MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools) and other external digital technology experts and organisations. 


In saying that, we still have not finalised what will be happing when Mrs Funtusof takes her maternity leave but I will inform the Prep parents before the next school newsletter and then let everyone know at that time.


Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as we prepare to go through the period of transition between Term 3 and 4.

Trivia Night

A massive thank you to all those who attended the night. It was a lot of fun and the first real social get together just for parents since I arrived at St John's...thanks Covid!!!


I do need to say that I felt a little guilty that the teachers stole first place in the last round to win the night! But...if we didn't win would that mean parents would think we don't know enough to be their children's teachers??? Hehehe.


Thanks to YMCA's - Village People for helping the teachers snatch victory! Anyone who went on the night will know what that means! 


As to the paper plane competition at the end, keep practising everyone!!!!


Thanks to Kate and Nadia and those who helped set up, and a special thanks to Ashlee for her amazing culinary delights table.

You can donate here:   Trybooking

Please remember to put the child's name you are donating to in the 'address' line.

Safety warning

I also want to highlight some concerns we are having recently in relation to an increase in people trespassing on the school site after hours and on weekends.


Towards the end of last term, we had several break-ins at late hours where vandals attempted to gain access to various parts of the school. On one occasion they did break into an area of the school but thankfully nothing was taken though some damage was sustained.


Since we have been more vigilant in relation to these and have been viewing a lot more camera footage we are discovering that at times local children, including some from our own school, existing and past students, are climbing fences and gaining access to the school outside of hours. 


In one recent case, several students were present on the oval while a trio of young men climbed into the school and graffitied before departing again. I would hate to think what might have happened if they had discovered the students out the back while no one was around.


This is a major concern for OHS and Child-safe matters. Please be aware of where your children are playing or the areas they are accessing. The school is private property and children should not be present without adult supervision and especially not when they have to gain access to the school by climbing fences and bypassing gates.


We are working with police regarding the late-night instances but I felt a timely warning for parents about this was important.


Last Friday morning a number of families and students from our school community joined us to walk from Frank Street Reserve to St John's in recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Children's Day. This was part of our Fire Carrier commitment to the 'Opening the Doors Foundation' which supports Aboriginal students gain access to what they need for a great education.


It was heartwarming to see so many people join us not just for the walk but a lovely liturgy the Grade 3 students had prepared once back at the school.

Prayer of Healing

We keep several of our community members in our prayers at the moment, especially one in particular who has gone through a very difficult operation recently.


Lord of Heaven, 

We rest underneath your mighty wings of love. We dwell within your gentle heart. 

We know there is healing in your touch. Through the sufferings of Christ, we ask for your Grace

We trust in your goodness, our Lord and Saviour, our healer and our friend. 

We dwell within your gentle embrace. 



Mr B's silly jokes
Mr B's silly jokes

Q: Why do cats always get their way?

A: They are very purr-suasive

Q. Why was the cat afraid of the tree?

A. Because of its bark!

Q. Why do cats always win at computer games?

A. Because they have nine lives!


Enjoy the weekend!

Kind regards,

Derek Bruitzman


School Website


St John's Online Safety Hub

Marty's Cybersafety:  Parent Toolkit