Le Français

What a wonderful day we had on Tuesday, August 1st for our annual French Day.
Students came dressed up as baguettes, croissants, flags, famous French people and inventions. So much creativity and thought, the school was a buzz with excitement and fun! Magnifique!
Chris Morant from Cultural Infusion performed a fun show with mime, tricks, French words and lots of student participation.
Merci beaucoup to all students, parents and teachers who made things or dress-ups for the occasion. A big thankyou also to Annette and her helpers in the canteen for providing a French Meal Deal for the day. Délicieux!
Watch this space for more photos and awards for students who went the extra mile to create a significantly memorable costume for the day. Ooooh là là!
In the French classroom students are continuing to prepare for the annual BPPS French Poetry Competition. They have been encouraged to practice at home in front of a mirror or their family members.
In week 8 (TBC) we aim to have class presentation and students will be judged on the following criteria: accuracy, pronunciation, confidence, loudness and expression.
The winners from each class will compete against each other in the finals which will hopefully occur in planning week , most likely week 9.
If the winners are absent on the day then second or third place getters will be given the opportunity to represent their class on the day.
Teachers will be the adjudicators for this final round to determine each Level winner.
Prizes and certificates will be awarded to all place getters some time in Term 4.
Poems have been posted on Seesaw with a recording so that students and parents can practise and revise at home.
Au revoir !
Madame Higgins