Team Foundation News

Whole School Concert 2023
Rock Bottom! And we certainly weren’t! In front of an enthusiastic audience on the 24th and 25th July at the Besen Centre in Burwood. The Whole School concert day had finally arrived!
A group of very excited Foundation students boarded the bus on Monday morning to take to the stage and practise their singing, dance moves and actions before the big night. The students soaked up the new environment and experienced being backstage and the limelight of the stage. We were all ready to go and open the door and get on the floor, everybody walk the dinosaur!
Returning that evening and the following night, we took to the stage for the very first time in front of an audience! The atmosphere was compelling! Backstage there were bright, fun and scaly costumes in amongst the nervous energy of the performers! The Foundation performance song was popular, fun, energetic and had the crowd bopping along to this classic number! What a fabulous night!
From the bus trip to the excitement on the evening, the Whole School concert was a huge success. We were so fortunate to be led by our Performing Arts coordinator Emma Thomas. A BIG thank you to all of our Foundation families who supported our students to prepare, practise and be part of the fabulous evening. There were many tired eyes the following day but the students were still buzzing as we reflected and shared our experiences of the performance!
Foundation Stars Term 3 Weeks 2 and 3
In Week 2 Ruby from FKJ was the first Foundation Star for Term 3. Ruby shared her show bag and personal skill which was to read a book on her own! Well done Ruby for being so brave to be the very first Foundation Star for 2023!
In Week 3 we celebrated Matilda (FSR) and Belinda (FKJ) as our next Foundation Stars. Matilda shared her timeline with events, including a Disney On Ice experience! Belinda shared her show bag which included an amazing book on Space! Belinda’s favourite planet was Neptune because it was coloured blue. At the end of the presentation Matilda and Belinda both entertained the audience with a tricky gymnastics move called the bridge. Great job Matilda and Belinda!