Digital Thumbprint 

Safe, Responsible, & Positive

This last week we hosted a facilitator from Digital Thumbprint - an organisation that runs workshops in schools aiming to help students learn how to be safe, responsible, and positive online.  Our students in Years 5-10 participated in workshops on the topics below.


Year 5/6 - Cyber Security - Through a variety of interactive activities, our students were led through the skills of creating strong passwords, enabling privacy settings on social media, and understanding just how easily and far things can spread when shared on the internet. Students begin to understand the power and the danger of what is shared online.


Key learnings:

  • Consider ways to protect your personal information.
  • Explore what happens to your online information.



Year 7/8 - Cyberbullying -  Students explored the importance of respectful relationships online through compelling scenarios, and are asked to consider their impact when interacting online. Young people discuss consent online, image-based abuse, and the tools they have to positively support themselves and their peers.


Key learnings:

  • Understand the impact our actions have online.
  • Learn strategies to seek help for yourself or others.


Year 9/10 - Digital Discernment - Social media has the power to influence society and our friends for the better.  Students worked through scenarios and practised discernment to see through online media and problem-solve for a safe and healthy online solution.


Key learnings:

  • Understand what fake news is and how it impacts our world
  • How to report harmful content and practice discernment to stay safe and informed online