Dates to remember
2022 Dates to Remember
Term Dates 2022
Term 1: 28th January - 8th April
Term 2: 26th April - 24th June
Term 3: 11th July - 16th September
Term 4: 3rd October - 20th December
23nd: Meet and Greet 3:30 - 7:00
24th: District Swimming Carnival - Werribee Pool
25th: 5/6 Swimming Open Water Experience
27th: Bunnings BBQ
2nd: Prep Parent Information Session - Supporting Literacy at Home
10th Special Lunch - Subway
15th: Labour Day15th - 19th: Fete - Chocolate Drive
22nd: Family Evening TBC
30th: 2023 Prep Information Night
2nd: Fete
6th: Hot Cross Bun Drive (distribution date)
8th: Last day of Term 1