Deputy Principal/Wellbeing Update

'At St Anthony’s we strive to provide safe classroom communities that provide students with a sense of safety, affirmation and belonging, alongside opportunities to explore faith and social / emotional skills.'

Welcome back, 


I hope that everyone had a COVID safe and relaxing summer break. I have enjoyed watching all our families return to onsite learning. I have observed some amazing Social Emotional Lessons this week and have enjoyed watching the Preps settle into school life!


I have attached some great ESafety resources to look at. Safer Internet Day is will be celebrated on Tuesday 8th of February. 



This Safer Internet Day, we are calling on everyone to play it safe and fair online

Join the global initiative that brings families, schools, organisations and governments from 170 countries together to raise awareness about online safety.

There is no place for online abuse. We can all help to make life online enjoyable by being kind and respectful to each other.

Explore eSafety's range of resources to find out how you and your community can get involved in the 2022 campaign


Have a wonderful weekend. 

