Living Justice 


It is very exciting to be back at the College and commencing the new year! The Sustainability Team have already started planning for this term and the coming year. Our Year 12 Student Leaders, Sarah Donlon and Alexandra Bonsall, have been thinking about their major goals for this year and will bring them to our student group this week for discussion. 


Waste Management

Waste Management is a priority for Term 1. Sarah and Alexia Ritzert (Year 12) submitted a proposal and gained permission from Nicole Mangelsdorf to allow the school to recycle disposable gloves. These gloves are used in Science and Food Technology and are normally disposed of in landfill rubbish. Our proposal is to send gloves for recycling to a specialist recycling company. This will add to our existing recycling initiatives which were set up last year: batteries, makeup and skin care packaging and writing implements. 


Our first major date for this year will be Earth Hour on Saturday February 26th ( The Sustainability Team will publicise this environmental action day in the next couple of weeks. 


The Sustainability Team would like to welcome all the new Year 7 students and encourage them to join in the activities at Kilbreda. The Garden Club will start up again next week (look out in SIMON for notices) and all students are welcome to join our Sustainability Team. 


Sarah Avitabile

Sustainability Leader

Living Justice 

The BKFA Birthing Kits that were packed by our College community late last year go to women living in and facing the most challenging of circumstances when they give birth. One Birthing Kit can mean the difference between life and death. 


We are pleased to know that kits were distributed to the following field partners in January this year.


Thank you to the students, staff, parents and past pupils who were involved for your support.

Kit Distribution Report


Partner Organisation

DR Congo SOS Jeunesse et Enfance en Detresse 
Nigeria Rotary Action Group for Reproductive, Maternal and Child Health 
Uganda Egoli Africa, Population Cares Uganda,  Uganda Australia Christian Outreach, OurGanda Ministries and Love Mercy Foundations 
Papua New Guinea PNG Sustainable Development Program and Wesleyan Health Services 
Burundi Réseau SOS Femmes en Détresse 

Trish Moloney

Living Justice Leader