
A hearty warm, summery welcome back to school.


Over the December break we have been cleaning up the catalogue, making it a more reliable and informative source for discovering the books students want to read. 


We have:

  • fixed up the series entries so that you can see all of the books in a series in one go;
  • added hundreds of abstracts, which provide a brief description of the books brought up from your search;
  • added images to thousands of entries – so that students can judge a book by its cover!
  • assigned genre types (e.g. horror, science fiction, holocaust, love stories etc) to the audio and ebook collections so that they will be found more easily on the catalogue.

Book Collection

Since changing our fiction collection layout into groupings by genre last year, we have been able to clearly see which genres needed ‘filling out’. With this in mind we concentrated on finding more classic books, as well as animal, sports, humour and horror titles to add to the collection.  These have begun arriving and so if you are interested then please keep an eye open as you pass by our new books display – or online as you log into our catalogue, which displays new books on its homepage.


As a result of fixing the series entries  (see above) we discovered a number of books in those series that we had either lost or had never bought.  These were ordered and some have already made their way into our collection for the students. 


We have also moved both the fiction and nonfiction books so that they are better spaced out which adds to their attractiveness and also helps to find the book you are looking for.  This may sound a small thing, but it actually involves moving around 10,000 items! We call it ‘housekeeping’.

Year 11 and 12

Year 11 and 12 students have access to all of the Neap and ATAR guides, practice exams and walkthroughs. As was the case last year, the Library has subscribed to the edunlimited company's complete suite of revision guides.  All students in Years 11 and 12 should have received an email from that company. However, if they have not then they may follow the steps in the relevant Kilbreda libguide:


The College motto for the year is “Compassion: Walking with and having empathy for all” and I think that you will agree that the displays created by Ms Di Saugy to welcome students back into the Library space are beautiful.


Angus Pearson

Library Coordinator