
Did you know that the number two is a prime number? A lot of people think a prime number has to be odd, given that the definition of a prime number is a number that is only divisible by itself and the number 1. However, the number 2 fits this definition, therefore it is the only even number that is also a prime number.


The number two is also considered quite lucky because many good things come in pairs and it also symbolises balance. Think of pairs like night and day, left and right, up and down, hot and cold, Collingwood supporters and everyone else!


The reason I am talking about the number two is because it will soon be Tuesday 22 February 2022, otherwise known as 'Twosday' because it falls on 22/2/22. On this day, our junior classes will be completing some fun activities in class involving the number two to celebrate having a date involving so many twos!


Imagine how exciting it would be to celebrate 'Twosday' in two hundred years when it is the 22nd February 2222! But will it actually be a Tuesday? Can you determine which day 22/2/2222 will fall on?


The 22/02/2022 is also a palindrome - a word or number written the same forwards as it is backwards and this is also quite a rare occurrence. Can you think of the next time the date will be a palindrome? Mr Cavanagh asked me this exact question and I answered straight away with what I thought was the next one, but it wasn’t! I really should have given myself more thinking time.

So, to celebrate 'Twosday', I’d love to give a prize to twenty-two students who can answer:

  1. Which day of the week does 22 February, 2222 fall on?
  2. When is the next time our date will be a palindrome?

Please make sure you show your working out (no googling allowed) and submit your answers to your teacher by the end of 'Twosday' 22 February 2022.


A 'Tworiffic Twosday' to each and 'everytwo' of you!


Karen McMullen

Learning Leader:
