Year 9

Year 9 students have settled very well back into the College. They are very excited about being in the Kildare Centre and doing a wonderful job of respecting the space through keeping it neat and presentable.


It has been wonderful seeing and hearing the laughter and sheer joy our students are expressing at being able to learn onsite. They have been very focused and conscientious and are enjoying the choice of electives on offer and relishing the fact that they have the opportunity to follow their academic interests a little more.


Overall, uniform expectations have been well adhered to. Students understand that any extra jewellery will be confiscated and an infringement given if the rules are breached. We really appreciate parent/carer support with this as we prefer interactions with students to be positive rather than negative. A reminder that white socks without logos are to be worn with school uniform.


Most Homerooms are in the process of electing their Class Captains and these will be announced in the next newsletter edition. There are many leadership opportunities at this level and I have been delighted that students have already been asking about these!


There are also many exciting extracurricular opportunities on offer currently. There have been Duke of Edinburgh meetings (see next article) and High School Musical Jr, our Junior production meetings. Many of our Year 9 students are very enthusiastically attending these meetings. Well done everyone!

Important Dates 

28 February -  House Swimming Carnival

29 March (from 2.45pm to 8.00pm) - Parent Teacher Interviews

4 April -  House Athletics Carnival

5 April - Term 1 Music Concert

6 April (from 2.45pm to 8.00pm) - Parent Teacher Interviews

26 to 29 April (first week of Term 2) - BRIDGES/Duke of Edinburgh Camps


As always, thank you for your continued support in the education of your daughters,


Kath de Bruin

Level Leader:

Year 9

Duke of Edinburgh Award 

This week we met with the Year 9 students who are interested in signing up for the Duke of Edinburgh Award program for 2022. 


If your daughter was unable to attend the meeting can you please email us ASAP so we can add her to the list at Maree Clark or Joanne Wood at



Joanne Wood and Maree Clark

Duke of Edinburgh Coordinators