From the Secondary Principal Team

From the Principal Team
Welcome back and an extra warm Lakes welcome to our new families especially our year 7 group. We are beginning our promise to you in offering our first contemporary, fully loaded secondary campus program. Our aim is to take every student on an achievement journey in a safe, challenging, and inspirational environment. We have resources to cater for individual learning styles, extension, and tutorial programs so that every student meets academic and social /emotional development goals.
We have quietly but successfully built our teaching demographic over the last two years to blend senior school experience and success with our existing high calibre personnel to develop our curriculum and wider programs that address the needs of our students and their pathways. From year 7 onwards, a targeted and differentiated approach to learning with an emphasis on a consistent teaching & learning model will be evident and present. Our staff have continued to develop their expertise through a range of professional development programs and remote learning over the past two years has solidified relationships and effective communications between families, staff, and students.
For families who are not on our social media pages I would like to briefly introduce you to the following new staff members:
Brad C - experienced Science teacher including VCE Biology
Lisa M - experienced Maths teacher including VCE Maths and key player of the rollout in middle years maths
Letitia C - Technology teacher with a passion for restoring timber
Monica M - experienced Maths – Science teacher with a focus on junior and middle years programs
Jemimah S - youth worker who will provide support and direction
Declan P - instrumental teacher in guitar
Thank you to the people who responded quickly to our rapid antigen test collection last week and through the weekend. It is highly recommended that students and staff test twice per week so that we are providing the safest possible learning and working environment. It is imperative that you check emails regularly for correspondence from school as settings and situations can change very quickly in this climate. I have to say that our wonderful students have settled in really well and are pursuing their learning with eagerness and excitement. Everyone has looked forward to some normality in life and schools obviously provides this for students. We are maintaining as much normality in our programs and expectations as we can. Thank you for reminding students about masks, uniform, laptops and conforming to key school protocols. We need to work together to make every post a winner early in the school year.
There are a number of initiatives and programs that we are so excited and looking forward to starting the year. Over the forthcoming editions of the Newsletter, we aim to highlight many learning and exponential programs.
We are looking forward to the wonderful exploits of our first every Year 12 cohort. To kick off proceedings there will be an Information Evening for families next Tuesday, February 8 onsite at school beginning @ 6 pm. It would be great to see you on the night.
The Secondary Campus is excited to announce our 2022 School and Vice Captains.
School Captain:
Angela R
Jakob P
Vice Captain:
Rosie P
We have many students engaging in VET subjects in a range of exciting educational settings, VCAL and year 10 students in work placements and high-level student leadership forums.
Most importantly, we are excited to have everyone back at school and engaged and will be doing our best to keep our community and safe as possible through this period.
Of course, we will need your ongoing support more than ever before to make life at school great for our students!
Have a nice weekend.
Bill & Bonnie.