Relieving Deputy Principal -Miss Stiles

Hello and welcome back to Fairvale Public School for 2022! 


My name is Miss Stiles and I am lucky enough to be the new Relieving Deputy Principal at your wonderful school. It has been such a pleasure to meet many of the terrific students, staff and some of our lovely families this week and I look forward to meeting many more of you throughout the Term. I hope to be joining some upcoming parent meetings via Zoom so make sure you join in and say hello if you can.

I have been impressed with how well students have settled into the new year ready to continue their learning journey at Fairvale PS.

2022 classes have been named after marine life, so, throughout the year I will be ‘Diving into Learning’ with students by visiting classes throughout the week and sharing in some learning experiences. I’m hoping to get to know each of the students and perhaps even learn some interesting facts about marine life! I will share a snapshot in the newsletter each fortnight.