Principal's Message

Our children are our future...

Principal's Message

Welcome to the last week of term. In some ways it feels like the term has gone quickly and in others it has taken forever.  I feel compelled to apologise to all of the students, staff and families. I think this comes from a sadness at not being able to have face-to-face contact with the people who are at the heart of our school. Rationally, I know there is nothing I could have personally done to avert the problems we have faced, but I can't help feel a deep sense of responsibility as the school's leader. I'm sure I will see it rationally after having a break in the upcoming holiday, but that is my prevailing emotion right now.


I sincerely hope that the physical and mental health of all of our students and families is positive (or at least manageable). There is light at the end of the tunnel and we must keep believing that better things are just around the corner. I wrote last week that the genius we have shown is that we have not given up - this remains true.


You will find some data in this week's newsletter centred around our wonderful effort in NAPLAN (Grades 3 and 5). I am extremely proud of the staff and students who have worked with focus towards personal best. We are only a young school, but already our academic record is speaking for itself. I hope you enjoy reading about the success.


I encourage all families to be mindful of giving their children a good break from the screen over the upcoming school holidays. If restrictions ease a bit and the sun comes out, take your children for a walk or ride. Have a race with them on some green grass. Try to do something physical every day so they get fresh air and exercise. If allowed, make sure they socialise so they get back into the rhythm of using their manners and kindness.


As we head into the last week of term, I want to sincerely thank all families for their unending support through this difficult period. You have been nothing but supportive, positive and optimistic - even in the darkest of hours. Well done to you all. I am very lucky to be the principal of such a great and kind group of children and people. 


Finally, a big shout out to our staff. It has not been easy for them. Their efforts have been monumental. We are not perfect and don't claim to be. But, every day, I see first-hand how hard they try to care for and educate our children. They strive to be their best and, if they fall short, they reload and do better next time. I bow to them and wish the staff a restful break.

Timings for Last Day of Term: Friday 17th September

  • 9:00am-9:20am: Class check-in
  • 10:00am-10:30am: Learning: Literacy OR Maths
  • 11:30am-12:00pm: Class Reward session
  • 1:00pm-1:30pm: Specialist Session
  • 2:00pm-2:30pm: Whole School Assembly

Footy Colours Day

The last day of Term (Friday 17th) is 'Footy Colours Day.' this is to acknowledge the AFL Grand Final which is coming up in the School Holidays. AFL is a huge part of Victorian culture and schools around the state celebrate by wearing the shirt of their favourite team. Students are invited to wear their favourite sports shirt on this day.