
Department of Education and Training booklet- Support for your child’s wellbeing 

Please find attached to this newsletter, a couple of resources made available by the Department of Education and Training. One is an easy to read booklet and it is a summary of an extended document that can be found at:



Raising Resilient Families


The City of Whittlesea’s Training and Education Program is promoting a workshop with Dr Michael Carr-Greg for Parents and families. 

You can access registration details by clicking here



Wednesday 14 July, 6.30pm - 8.30pm 

Presented by high-profile psychologist Michael Carr-Greg.

The science of psychology tells us what builds resilience in young people and what parents can do to incorporate these evidence-based strategies into their parenting practices. Raising Happy and Resilient Girls and Raising Happy and Resilient Boys build parent confidence by providing the knowledge and the strategies to manage the burning issues of: Managing technology, communicating with their adolescents, dealing with anxiety.