
Wellbeing 6.0


As we once again find ourselves in the midst of another period of remote learning, it is now more important than ever to look after one another (yes, that means you too!).


Whilst there are a number of factors at the moment that seem to be beyond our control, it often makes it the perfect time to take stock and focus on the things that we do have control over. Here are a couple of tips for looking after yourself and others:

  • Aim for a positive mindset by focussing on the things that you have and the things you still get to experience. In times like this, it’s easy for us to get caught up in the birthday parties we’re missing and the holidays we’d rather be having. By shifting our attention to the things we’ve got, we allow ourselves to feel grateful and happy for the little things, whether it’s watching Frozen for the fifth time, or a game of Monopoly that ends in tears. This is easier said than done, but it’s nice to wrestle back some control into your day.
  • Show kindness to others and notice the feelings attached to practising empathy. It may sound counterintuitive, but sometimes the best way to get out of a funk is to do something nice for someone else. Check-in on a neighbour (socially distanced of course), or ring a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while – you may just make their day.
  • Pay attention to how you feel. This one is a tricky one for all of us (particularly when we rely so heavily on social media to be our outlet for the wider world). Try and set some boundaries on the things that bring negative emotions, like scrolling through social media or setting that 11:00 am alarm for the daily press conference (will it be a North Face jacket or a suit today?).

So next time you’re staring at your child’s THRASS chart and looking for that pesky sound that you just can’t find… Consider talking to your neighbour at 11:00 am instead – it’ll do you both the world of good.


Mr Anderson


Have a great week

The Wellbeing Team