Subject selection

Subject selection for 2022 will be taking place during Term 2. We understand it can be challenging to decide at this point in the year, but due to the size of Brentwood, the time constraints ensure the process is completed on time.
Students received detailed information in Aspire sessions and were emailed a code to use to electronically enter their preferences. This email was sent in Week 6 and preferences will close the end of Week 8.
How to choose subjects
- Read the Subject Guide thoroughly. This is found on Compass under the Star icon. The updated version will be available at the end of Week 4.
- Watch available subject videos within the Subject Guide.
- Talk to your subject teachers or the Head of Faculty.
- Discuss with your parents.
- Look at your Morrisby results (if applicable)
- For English choices – discuss with your English teacher or Head of English.
- For Maths choices – discuss with your Maths teacher or Head of Maths.
- Make an appointment with Pathways (Ms. Campion, Ms. Jolly or Mrs. Mackay)
- Don’t make choices based on friendship groups.
- Don’t rely on the hearsay of other students as to what a subject is like, ask a teacher.