Education in Faith 

Education in Faith encompasses the following areas: Religious Education, Prayer, Liturgy and Sacraments.


On Sunday we celebrated World Day for Grandparents. This celebration was designated by Pope Francis, as the First World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. It coincided with the Feast of Saints Joachim and Anne, grandparents of Jesus, on July 26. The day draws attention to the vital role grandparents and the elderly play in our communities and in the mission of the Church.


On Friday, we celebrated our whole school prayer. Miss Sargent and 5/6OS created a fantastic prayer and video presentation about our magnificent grandparents. This was wonderful to view and see the joy grandparents bring to our lives.


During the past week of home learning, each year level was encouraged to think about their grandparents and how important they are in our lives. Below are some examples of the work which was produced by the students.

Gus 1/2MD
Caleb 1/2MD
Gus 1/2MD
Caleb 1/2MD


Student Prayers for their Grandparents from Year 3/4:

Dear God,

Please keep my grandparents in good health. 

Stay close to them and protect them from the virus.

I am grateful for them and all the love they give me and my brother.

I wish they live very old because I love them.

I appreciate them.

Amen (Joe)


Dear GOD 

I pray for my  Grandparents everyday and everynight.

I wish them all the health and happiness, I thank my grandparents for all the love and support they give me each day. I'm very blessed to have both sets of my grandparents with me and I pray that they  are with me all the time. I thank them for teaching me how to love and respect everyone. I'm so grateful that I got to share my life with my great grandmother but now she is in heaven watching over us. I love my grandparents very much.

Love Joseph


Dear God

Thank you for my  wonderful grandparents. I am so lucky and grateful that I have them in my life. They help my family by picking us up from school, they take my sister and I to soccer, they make lots of amazing food for the family and my Nana made my sister and I our communion dresses.

I ask that you bless them with your love and care.Keep them safe and in your loving arms.

Amen (Clea)


Dear Lord,

I hope my grandpa still has his strength and I hope that he has happy days everyday. Whenever I see him he feels excited and happy to see us and I feel excited to see him. I hope he has a good day today and I can't wait to see him again.

Amen. (Sierra)


They always care for us a lot, help us, they love us, are always very kind and very  generous. I love it when they bake food with me and play different fun board games with me. They are the best. I love my Grandparents so much.  

Amen (Selena)


Reflections of  Grandparents.  Foundation and Year 5/6

Eva M I like to go to my Noni's house because I play hide and seek with them.

Eva. A I love my Grandparents because they are so funny and organize fun activities to do and make delicious food. They are the best! 

Ava. B I love to play tennis with my Grandma. My grandparents are great cooks and we go every Monday night for a roast dinner. I enjoy playing Vier Gewinnt [German connect 4] with my Oma. They have done so much for me and I adore them!

Angelina. E   I love my grandparents because they are alway kind, they make me happy when I feel sad and they make amazing food. They have done a lot for me and I thank them for every moment I spend with them.

Nakita. G To my Nonna and Nonno who always have the best bread and my Yia Yia and Papule who make the best chips. I love you all so much!!

Alice. H I love when my grandparents take me out for ice cream when I am sad and how they are always looking out for me and my siblings. 

Zachary.L I love my grandparents. They always give me good hugs and always get me stuff and cheer me up when I'm sad. I love them and they love me.

Dimitri. M I like that when I go to my grandparents’ house they like to cook food for me until I am sick and they make the best chicken schnitzel and chips.

Ava. P I love my grandparents because they are always really nice to me and tell stories about when they were kids. I love them!

Chloe. P I love playing card games with my grandma and winning because she doesn’t have her glasses on. She makes me delicious food and I really appreciate and love her.

Connor. P I love my Grandparents because they love me so much and they are very caring. I love it when they look after me and make me delicious food and sweets.

Gisele. S I love to spend time cooking with my Tate. I love and appreciate her sooo much.

Leah. S I love that my Nonna, Nonno and Nonno are always there for me to give me lots of hugs and kisses (and food).