Level 6 - Term 3

Welcome back to another exciting term at Glen Waverley Primary School. We hope you had a wonderful holiday break, and the students are ready for a productive and enjoyable Term Three.
This term, we warmly welcome Jess Wood to the Level Six Team, where she will be an asset to our teaching and learning across all curriculum areas.
We have another busy and engaging term ahead of us. Level Six students have already started their learning journey, preparing for our Whole School Production, “A Journey of Values”. As a High Performing School and due to the extensive skill set of our students, we look forward to seeing their strengths shine as actors, dancers, artists, filmmakers, designers, and leaders within the production.
This Term’s YCDI Program will prepare learners for milestone events such as School Camp and transitioning from Primary to Secondary School and the expectations. We want to offer our sincere gratitude to families who have transitioned to and from Learning from Home so smoothly. We are very proud of the resilience, persistence, and maturity demonstrated by every student.
Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to an exciting and eventful Term Three.
The Year Six Team
Mrs Lauren Anderson, Miss Annie Lui, Mrs Lisa Baguley, Miss Lex Fisher, Miss Jess Wood and Ms Samantha Rich
Students will explore a wide range of concepts during mathematics this term. As the Tokyo Olympics is taking place this term, students will use a global lens to investigate mathematics and its real-world application. They will deepen their understanding of elapsed time, time zones and statistics. Other mathematical concepts that will be explored this term include Money and Financial Mathematics, Location and Transformation, Cartesian Planes, Angles, and Linear Equations.
Students will explore these concepts with a SURF strategy to build their mathematical toolbox that will enable them to transfer across units as well as cross-curricular areas.
Sitting with your child and completing research on complex concepts such as cartesian planes or linear equations in map reading can be an excellent way of helping them to understand their application beyond the classroom. Discussing household bills, budgets, or shopping expenses can be an authentic context to discuss financial mathematics. Mathletics.com is also a fantastic resource that can be used to consolidate mathematical learning.
During Term Three, students are exploring narratives and memoirs. We began by analysing and investigating exceptional examples of high-quality narratives. This includes characters and their involvement with the plot, dialogue, and the variety of ways an author can focus on a subject. This will aid in the students’ understanding and development of the various strategies that the author has used to engage and satisfy the audience.
Through identifying the author's skills and strategies when reading narratives and memoirs, we aim to have our learners transfer these skills into their writing. With this term encompassing both Learning from Home and school, the learners have a unique opportunity to craft their writing with inspiration from a range of locations.
The teachers will continue to implement the whole school CAFÉ and VOICES approaches in Literacy where the students will have a range of focuses throughout the term. Through our Spelling Inquiry program, the students are consistently encouraged to expand their vocabulary. This includes identifying misspelled words, examining etymology, and exploring appropriate synonyms.
If you wish to support your child’s learning at home in the area of Literacy this term, you can:
- Encourage your child to read regularly, discussing their books with them and asking questions to determine your child’s understanding of the text.
- Motivate your child to participate in the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge.
This Term, our YCDI program is focused on the upcoming school production and camp Adanac at Yarra Junction. Students will be building and extending their confidence to perform on stage for their class dance. They have and will continue to demonstrate persistence and perseverance towards practicing their choreograph. With the year-level camp scheduled for later in the term, we will be exploring how to transfer our strategies of ‘Getting Along, Organisation, Resilience, Persistence and Confidence’ towards camp activities and living with one another.
To set your child up for success, we recommend that families ask students to pack their own belongings for the school production and school camp; as well as asking students to practice their dance at home regularly to build confidence on stage.
This Term’s inquiry question, ‘How is culture influenced by the arts and delivered through digital technology?’ focuses on broadening the Level Six students’ understanding of the interconnectedness of culture, the arts, and digital technology. We will take a particular focus on studying how dance has changed as a result of social media, and how thanks to the world wide web, we have access to more art than ever before. We will also explore how what we digest online promotes and removes gender and cultural stereotypes. In addition to this, the level Six students will explore how we express ourselves and our cultures through the medium of dance. Our transfer learning opportunity will see the students sharing their dance skills during our school production.