Middle School News

Year 7 to 9

Welcome back everyone. Well that would normally be the message to start a new semester, but again we find ourselves in a situation we wish we weren’t in. We almost lasted a week and students had started in a positive, energetic and engaged manner. In a conversation with John Roberts, College Principal, he remarked to me at how well students arrived on time, straight to class and straight into their learning from the very beginning, Monday morning. He commented on a walk around the classroom blocks during that first period 1 and 2 on the Monday, that all the classes were actively engaged in their learning and obviously ready to learn and the teachers were delivering interesting lessons that students were obviously engaged in.


Fast forward four days and we are now in the midst of another state wide lockdown. However, EDSC students, parents and staff are now well versed in this transition (which is sort of sad in a way) but I must thank all staff and students for the way in which remote learning 5.0 has begun and the maturity of the Middle School students for their on line behaviour and cooperation.


We were set to hold a Middle School Assembly, Friday morning during period 3. The focus for this assembly was to honour students who had displayed College Values throughout Term 2, from Years 7 – 9. Unfortunately, this event was cancelled, however, I would still like to congratulate those from each year level who have been nominated by their teachers for an award, and again to those who were selected to receive the award. College Values form an integral aspect of how we interact with each other every day and maximising learning opportunities for all across the College. Attached is a list of the most recent College Values Award winners from Term 2.


As far as the rest of this term looks, hopefully lockdown 5.0 will be over soon and we will be back to on site learning. Until then please stay safe and be grateful that we have the opportunities that exist in a country like Australia, even if we are confined to our homes. Many other people around the world don’t even have access to education let alone the opportunity to continue theirs during a pandemic. 


Well as I am writing this article the update tells me that we are back in a week from tomorrow (Wednesday 28th July). So until then make the most of your online educational opportunities and all of us in Middle School look forward to the return of students, hopefully, a week from tomorrow, considering things stay as they are progressing in a positive manner.

Accelerated Elective Enquiries

Year 9 Coordinators are receiving enquiries regarding course selection for Year 10 subjects, for 2021. Please keep in mind that course information questions should be referred to:

Also, keep an eye on the Compass Newsfeed for updated information and online course information evenings.

Year 8 Camp

The deadline for confirming your place for Year 8 Camp 2021 is fast approaching. Consent and payment due by Monday 26th July. We need to plan many things in advance of this date so if you’re not intending to send your child to camp please email:


Please include in your email, reasons for not attending and whether or not your child will be attending the alternative program at the college whilst the rest of the cohort is away. An alternative program will be offered for those not attending. 

Middle School Assembly

Please continue to check Compass Newsfeeds for updates. I plan to release the slides for the proposed Middle School Assembly shortly. Instead of meeting as a large group, students and parents can access the slides and read for themselves. Thank you for your understanding.

Justin Bond

Head of Middle School

Year 7-9 Homework Club/Study Session - 

Students in Years 7-9 are invited to join our Homework Club/Study Session every Wednesday from 3:30pm - 4:30pm in the 400 open area. There will be a maximum attendance limit of 25 students per session.


Please note that this is an opt-in event and places are offered to those who opt in and give consent first. Parents must opt in and also give consent for each session they wish their child to attend. Parents who have already returned a consent form (paper form) must now also opt-in via Compass and provide consent for your child to have permission to attend each Homework/Study Session.  If consent is not given via Compass then your child will not be allowed to attend. 


Sessions may be cancelled due to staff rostering. Cancelled sessions will be removed from your child’s schedule each week.


Please ensure you make arrangements to get your child home at the conclusion of each session. 


Please contact Bree Murphy, Middle School Secretary,  at the College if you have any queries on this process.

Breakfast Club

Every Tuesday morning in The John Landy Centre, there will be free food for ALL students. 


Foodbank Victoria are providing nutritious food items for students to eat before they start their day. There will be cereal, fruit, toast, baked beans & spaghetti, fruit cups and muesli – no need to order, just rock up.

The variety of food that is available each Tuesday morning
The variety of food that is available each Tuesday morning

Student Lunches

Just a reminder to parents that we are unable to deliver lunches to students during school time.  If your child has forgotten lunch, it can be left at the General Office but it is the student’s responsibility to come and collect it. 


Hot food is not suitable to be left at the office.  PLEASE NOTE:- Take-away food is not allowed during school hours.


Under no circumstances are students to be ordering take-away food to be delivered to the College.

College Charges 2021

East Doncaster Secondary College Council would like to thank you for your support of the College as we endeavour to provide the best possible education for your child.


In order to provide quality programs and a comfortable and efficient learning environment for our students, the College relies on strong support from the College community. The College Charges are designed to supplement the Government’s allocation to schools to provide materials and services. These charges enable us to enrich and extend the learning experiences of our students in each subject. Please find attached the explanatory Parent Payments Parent Letter and Parent Payment Policy. 2021 College Charges are now available for parents to pay on Compass. 


Please note that there is no additional charge incurred if paying online via Compass.


For further information regarding our Parent Payments Policy, please refer to the attached documents.

1 to 1 Digital Learning Program 2021

In 2021 we will continue with our whole school 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program for all students.


Our Year 7 and 10 students will be required to purchase a laptop, Year 8, 9, 11 and 12 students will continue with their laptop from 2020.  The purchase of these devices is crucial to the learning program as students will access eBooks rather than an extensive number of expensive textbooks.


Details of the 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program for all students and important information regarding suitable devices are detailed in the attached policy.

Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards

Please remind all students that they must carry their Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  Cards with them at all times.


ALL students must sign in/out with their card at the General Office when they are arriving late or leaving early for any reason. A reminder that Year 12 students are required to sign in/out at The John Landy Centre Compass Kiosk.


The cards are also used for any student photocopying that is done at school. The EDSC Student Compass ID/Library/PTV  is also the student PTV (Public Transport Victoria) cards. They are required to carry this card as student identification while travelling on public transport.


If a student loses their card, parents/guardians are able to re-order a replacement card via the Compass parent portal.