
All schools cross country junior school team 

Ran at summons plains this Tuesday. Big thanks to Sheree Stokes for organising this as well as running training sessions in the weeks leading up to this.

Musical Production, Annie Jnr.

After many months of rehearsing, students from Yr 7-12 were excited to present their 2022 Musical Production, Annie Jnr.  The students and staff worked so hard and it was a blessing to be able to witness this work and determination from all involved. 


It takes a team and this was a BIG team.  Thanks goes out to the staff, students and parents who volunteered and worked behind the scenes helping with costume changes, set design, lights, audio visual, back-up vocals and more.


Thank you to those who came along to our production and for being such an enthusiastic audience.

Make Bullying History

On Wednesday, Brett Murray delivered the Make Bullying History presentation to our students in the PAC. Brett unpacked what bullying is, what it is not, why people do it, and how to stop it. Thank you for sharing the story.

Student Bus Travel Expectations

Extended Leave Policy 

If you are planning on a holiday/extended trip with your children during school terms please use our Application for Extended Leave form below.  Leave of more than 3 days needs to be documented by schools so please take some time to read our Extended Leave Policy below (which contains the application form).

Note for the office



Communication regarding a student’s absence needs to come via the school office. This information will then be passed on to the student’s teachers. Parents are asked where possible to telephone the school or email the office in advance when a student will be absent.  If you subscribe to the mobile app, The Hub you can also lodge an electronic absentee form which will reach the office immediately.  The school telephone number is (03) 6327 2854 and email is


Students who are late must sign in at the school office.  Students will be issued a ‘late pass’ that must be presented to their teacher.  Students who sign in ‘late’ must have a note of explanation from home.   Three unexplained late arrivals will result in a detention.


Yr11/12 students that have a study period in the morning and do not attend Class Teacher must sign in at the office as soon as they arrive at school, if students have not signed in whole day absences will be on their record. Yr 11/12 students may leave the school grounds during study periods, however they are required to sign out and back in at the office.  This is important, particularly in the case of an emergency, so students can be accounted for by the staff and emergency services.


Written permission is required to leave the school grounds during school hours (except Year 11 & 12).  Students are to meet parents at the office. All students must use the sign out folder at the student counter in the main office.  When students return to school, they should report to the student counter in the main office and sign in.  


If families intend to be absent from school due to extended holidays (3 days or more), parents need to fill out in advance an Application for Extended Leave for Travel form, found under the Parents and Students/Downloads & Policies tab on our website: see Extended Leave Policy on next pages)




Should your child need to take prescribed medication at school please inform the school office.  All medication, both prescription and over the counter medication, needs to be in original packaging and labelled with clear dosage instructions (prescription medication needs dosage instructions from a registered medical practitioner) and must be administered at the school office and students are not permitted to carry medication at school. Medical forms are sent home at the beginning of each school year and parents are able to indicate whether they give permission for paracetamol to be administered if required.




Students who are not incorrect uniform, wrong jacket or coloured socks etc must get a uniform pass from the office.  A note of explanation should be provided by parents.  Three uniform non compliances, without parent explanation, will result in a detention.

What is Counselling

From the School Wellbeing Unit

Teen Challenge is offering a series of Art Therapy Groups which may be of interest. These are free and designed to help those dealing with anxiety, depression, stress and other related issues. 


Remember the SWU is staffed all week and available for students and parents to access. 


Appointments can be sought via email to either Angela or Ben

A reminder of Mobile Phone & Wireless Communication Devices Policy

Mobile phones and other wireless-enabled communication technologies not left in lockers or at the office between 8.55 am and 3.15 pm will be confiscated and given to Head of Middle School and may be collected at a time convenient for Head of Middle School. Regular offenders will not be permitted to bring phones or other wireless-enabled technologies to school. 


Parking Policy