Leadership Centre


Selamat Siang!


We hope that everyone had an enjoyable extra long weekend and feels well-rested for the final two weeks of Term Two! 

In Reading, we held a group screening of The School That Tried To End Racism. Our students empathised with the students in the program, who displayed growth in their journey to combat discrimination and prejudice. Over the course of three weeks, students in the Leadership Centre had multiple conversations and discussions about the themes presented in the series, and as a whole, we have been able to refer and relate to the learnings and opportunities presented. After the episode finished, students explored different open-ended questions where they showcased their empathy and understanding of the events. They reflected on what they can do in their own lives to use the character strengths of empathy, inclusion, acceptance and perspective. 

In Reading last week, students recorded a Literature Circle Rotation with the focus on questioning and discussions about the text. It was great to see students’ growth and improvement during these rotations compared with the discussions held at the beginning of the year. Students made deeper connections which allowed them to have rich conversations about the themes and events within the selected chapters. They were able to justify their points of view or the point of view of others. Be sure to look through both of these responses on Seesaw to see for yourself! 


Risk taking on whiteboards in 5/6C!
Risk taking on whiteboards in 5/6C!

In Writing sessions, students in the Leadership Centre are working on ‘taking a risk’. This could include  (but is not limited to) experimenting with sentence structure, vocabulary, text structure, genre or perspective. One example is taking a classic folk tale or fable and telling it from the perspective of another character. Over the next few weeks, students will explore what risk taking in their writing looks like and its purpose. We wonder, how do parents view risk taking in life and in Writing?

Obtuse angle in the sky!
Obtuse angle in the sky!


In Mathematics, students continued working on their Mini Golf Courses showcasing their knowledge and understanding of angles and 2D shapes. It has been amazing watching these come to life with many 3D features being incorporated into the course designs. Students will finish these over the next few lessons and self-assess using a student rubric. Another thing to look out for on Seesaw before the end of term! 


Finally, in Guided Inquiry sessions, students continued to work on their museum exhibit (whether that be a poster, diorama or slideshow). We held a practice exhibition before Leadership Hour on Wednesday, showing what students have created so far. This was a great way to view other groups' hard work and collect some ideas from peers from other classes. Next week our students will showcase their work to a wider audience of students from across the school.  

Have a great week!

The Leadership Centre Teachers

Student Voice

  • Annabelle T - "I have enjoyed working on my Guided Inquiry project making a brain wave that Tan Le made"
  • Emma O - "On my Golf Course, I've included all angles and found unknown using my understanding, it looks great so far"
  • Vicki Y - "For Literature Circle I was reading the book Once and I finished it 4 times because I liked it so much!!"


  • Tissues for classes
  • Healthy Harold, Gala Day and Swimming for Term 3 permissions on Sentral to be completed ASAP 

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Oliver L -

Well done Oliver on showing a love of learning and creativity in putting together your Guided Inquiry exhibition with the rest of your group. You have worked very hard to create your immersive display and I'm very much looking forward to seeing the immersive display when its all ready to go! Well done Oliver. 


5/6C: Simeon G -

For showing active listening and engagement during our Literature Circle rotations. Your answering of different questions throughout the rotation helps to keep discussions on task and interesting. Amazing work, Sim!


5/6D: Neve L -

Well done on using your strength of kindness to help and support other members of your Guided Inquiry group to prepare for their showcase. I can't wait to see the finished product! You have been an excellent role model and shown high-level teamwork skills Neve! 


5/6EB: Emily C - 

For always being an active participant and for offering insightful comments in Literature Circles. You shone in your role as Discussion Director and led your group using your character strength of perspective. Well done, Emily! 


5/6W: Arnav C -

For always being prepared to share your valuable insights in Literature Circles. You ensure your role is completed each week and it is great to see you question your peers to gain their perspective on characters and themes. Excellent work, Arnav!