Brentwood Senior Secondary Schooling Pathway Reforms 2023 and Information Night

Senior secondary schooling is about to undergo a major reform starting in 2023 to build the aspirations and skills of young people in Victoria, set them up for future careers, and meet the needs of the modern economy.
A reminder that the Senior Secondary Reforms Information Evening is shown on the compass link, as posted by Mrs Mackay. The message is shown below:
Good morning everyone,
As mentioned in my previous post, there are several changes coming into effect in 2023 in regards to senior secondary education. This is primarily focused on vocational education - VCAL will now be known as Vocational Major (VM) and there is also a new certificate for foundation level - Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC). There are no changes to VCE.Our information session will be on Wednesday 13th of July at 6pm. Please click on the link to book your free tickets. We will confirm the location (hall or SLC) once we are aware of numbers.
Please feel free to have a look at the attached flyer which provides some insight into these changes.
Please email with any questions of queries.
Further information about these reforms for Brentwood Secondary College can be seen in the document below.