Opportunities for high-achieving and high-ability senior secondary students in 2023

The Centre for Higher Education Studies (CHES) is offering a new opportunity for high-achieving and high-ability senior secondary students to study subjects and programs to complement the 2023 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) program.
Year 10 and 11 students in government schools across Victoria will soon be able to apply to study CHES subjects and programs, including higher education studies, through a range of universities, while remaining enrolled at their current school. Details about the enrolment process and specific application timelines will be announced soon. Students will be able to apply shortly afterwards.
About the Centre for Higher Education Studies
CHES aims to challenge and extend Victorian senior secondary students by supporting access to first-year university-level studies and selected VCE subjects, alongside an enhancement and enrichment program.
Through CHES, students will have greater access to studies aligned to their skills and interests that may contribute to their Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, with some subjects allowing students to accrue university credits.
Students will remain enrolled at their current government secondary school with their CHES study integrated into their VCE program, much like students who undertake a Vocational Education and Training (VET) subject or study a VCE subject through Virtual School Victoria.
Through the integration of virtual technology with onsite learning, students from across Victoria will be able to fully participate in a study environment alongside their teachers and in collaboration with their peers, no matter where they live in Victoria. This unique learning environment is made possible through the specialised technology-rich CHES facility.
CHES will be a natural next step for many students currently participating in the Victorian High-Ability Program.
How students can apply
CHES will host virtual information sessions and events, and interested students, their parents, carers and teachers are welcome to attend. They can subscribe to receive updates on the establishment of CHES, including notifications of information sessions, specific application dates and the enrolment process. Students will need the support of their school to apply through the Centre for Higher Education Students.