

Year 10 Foundation Maths

The Year 10 Foundation Maths students have been looking at the mathematics associated with things such as house design, house plans and construction and were given a single period in which to design a creative floor tile. All their designs were presented to an architect for feedback and simple assessment.  The architect assessed them with the following criteria, DESIGN, ORIGINALITY, ECONOMY, GRAPHIC PRESENTATION. Two students got top marks. 

Timothy Dador’s submission

Lachlan Babiak’s design


Junior STEM Building Update

After many years in planning, design and delays due to COVID, the Junior STEM Centre is almost complete. The building will complement the new junior SCIMAT curriculum that is taught in Years 7 and 8 as well as the Project Based Learning Modules that students undertake. It houses wet and dry labs for science experiments, technology spaces for construction and development of projects, as well as open spaces for collaborative learning. Classes will begin in the new building starting next term.



ADF Future Innovator’s Award

This year the College will be participating in the ADF Future Innovator’s Award, which is open to Year 10 and Year 12 students who have shown a strong interest in and dedication to STEM subjects. Apart from bragging rights, The Australian Defence Force provides each winner with a cash prize ($250 for the Year 10 student and $550 for the Year 12 student). It is the first time that the College has participated in this particular competition, which sits alongside the ADF Long Tan Award. Staff are currently nominating students.  The winners will be announced later in the year.