Year 3-6 Sector


Year 3

The year 3 students have had a fantastic start to Term 3. Their attitude, effort and behaviours have been fantastic and you all should be very proud! 


The year 3 team love to spill the tea on what's going on in our cohort, read below to find out the juicy information of what our glorious students are doing at school. 


Award winners:

During the week we had a cohort assembly and 2 students from each class received an award. A huge congratulations to:


Toffe – 3A

Emilia – 3A

Dominec – 3B

Anya - 3B

Clinton - 3C

Aaminah - 3C

Mahlet - 3D

Zahliya - 3D


We have started linking Indigenous Perspectives into our Maths unit this term. We are recognising the relationship between sustainability in the form of emu egg collection and Gunditjmara eel trap and investigating fractions through these contexts. Our vocabulary is improving each lesson and it has been very interesting.



This term the year 3 students’ have begun exploring the author Graeme Base. They have been using a variety of comprehension strategies to make judgements about the author’s purpose for writing the text. This week we have been working on creating a biography on Graeme Base’s life. Below you will some of our front covers as well as our favourite Graeme Base quotes.




At the beginning of term 3, students have been immersed in their new unit called, ‘Author Study’ and have been exploring Graeme Base and his craft. They have created a biography about this popular children’s author and illustrator and are beginning to learn his ‘trademarks’ that make him so unique and apply it in their writing. Feel free to ask your child to share all the interesting facts they know about Graeme! 

For now, check out Kwame Kyei’s Graeme Base Biography:





We are proud of all our students' efforts, positive mindsets and look forward to acknowledging and celebrating their accomplishments with them throughout these units.

Year 3 Team


Year 4


The year 4 students are really excited to return for Term 3. They have some fantastic adventures ahead of them.



This term we will begin by exploring Margert Wild’s writing craft and adapt these skills to our own writing style. We will work on improving our writing skills through the author's lens. As we look closely at the author and critically respond to their texts to help us understand that readers use a variety of comprehension strategies at one time and how we can use these to make judgements about the author’s purpose.

After reading Chalk Boy, we become pavement artists, you may have seen our art work around the college.



We have been learning about fractions and wow, we have learnt so much. We know that fractions are part of a whole and they are made up of a numerator and a denominator. Now take a look at our photos to see having fun with fractions.


We are also using tools in the classroom to learn more about measuring length, mass, temperature, capacity and volume. We will use metric units to compare, order and sort objects.



A trip to the aquarium is on the agenda……we can not wait to learn more about the lifecycles of creatures that live in the ocean.

We will also be examining Eucalypts, which are an important feature of Australian life. We will discover how Eucalypts have adapted to survive both drought and bushfire and how some rely on extreme heat or smoke to release and germinate seeds. During the unit we will also explore how Eucalypts provide shelter and food to many native animals.


''In year 4, kindness is our jam!''

Year 4 Team

Year 6

In writing we have been learning about figurative language and how to use it in our writing pieces. Here are our two examples of how we have been using figurative language to bring our settings to life. We have also been using the ‘show, don’t tell’ technique to help us make our writing more interesting. 

By Brooklynn and Emma 6C



"In Year 6 we are cool because we thrive at school."

Grade 6 Team