Hands On Learning

Hello from HoL

We just wanted to share our experiences’ at Hands on Learning with the College Community so here goes….


It has been amazing to say the least. 

When we started we all made a name tag. We put them on a coat rack and we use it to place our belongings and equipment including our PPE. 

Every Wednesday morning, we have our own jobs to do. Including bins, coffee and the pond. The pond you must feed the fish, garb the hose and top up the pond. When you have finished, you must remember to put the hose back the way you found it.

If you got chosen to do coffee, you would take the coffee granule tube to the compost bin. The compost bin is at the front of the food tech rooms. You empty all the used coffee beans out of the tube into the compost bin. The tube will be dirty, so we grab the hose and clean it. We also grab the top part of that then we assemble it back together and place it back where you found it.


This semester we accomplished many projects including planter boxes, big planter boxes, possum boxes and we drew up a landscape design for future ideas around the College for the next group in HoL to complete. 


We have learnt how to use different tools safety and so much more. We have a selection of tools that we do a safety program on that we use to make our projects.


Sometimes we have a BBQ. There is a BBQ where the HoL area/shed is, then we do the cooking!


At the end of the term we drew some designs and wrote our names on them to leave our contribution to HoL at TLSC.

The HoL students would like to thank their teachers for giving us an opportunity to participate in the HoL program. We would like to give a big thanks to Monica and Mr Page for giving us a chance to do something different.


Natalia, Jazmin, Jacob, Jack, Julian and Daniel