Sports Update

Mrs Barratt

Athletics Carnival

We are looking forward to our Athletics Carnival tomorrow. Students will go to school in the morning and will be bussed to the High School. The field events and the 100m race will be held at the Glen Innes High School from 9.30am. Once these events have finished, we will cross the road to the Showground to complete the 200m and 800m races. Our presentation will also be held at the Showground. At the conclusion of the day, students may go home with their parents, after they have had their name marked off by their teacher. Otherwise, students will be bussed back to school to go home from there.


Food: The P&F will have a canteen running at the showground and we will also have the Lion’s Van operating with the option to purchase lunch.


Parent Helpers: Thank you to the parents who volunteered their time to help at the carnival. Please report to Jackie Barratt at the High School oval before 9:30am for instructions for the day.


Next Level (Armidale Diocesan Athletics Carnival - Friday 12th August): Primary age students who qualify for this carnival will receive their note next week.


Cochrane Cup

Good luck to our Open Rugby League team who will be competing in the Northern Regional Final - Cochrane Cup at Port Macquarie next Thursday (4th August). We know you will make all of us and yourselves proud.



Congratulations to Aila McBain and Fletcher Barratt who competed at the PSSA Cross Country event in Sydney last Friday. Aila placed 25th for the 10 years girls race and Fletcher placed 16th for the 11 years boys race. They would like to sincerely thank our wonderful school community for all the support you gave them for this event.