P&F News

Wow... what can we say? The support our community has shown over the past few weeks is nothing short of amazing. The P & F has been kept extremely busy with the End of Term Disco, the Pie Drive, and our annual Trivia Night. It is certainly great to have the opportunity to again be involved in our school community again following the hiatus brought about by Covid. 


The P & F would like to send a HUGE heartfelt THANK YOU for your generous support of all these events ensuring their success. These events would not have been possible without the help of our amazing parent volunteers and our dedicated P & F committee for their endless hours of work behind the scenes; our wonderful local businesses and sponsors and our fantastic community for your support of each event. 


Our trivia night was very well supported with more than 120 community members attending. We hope you all had as much fun as we did. There are so many people to thank for their efforts and contributions to ensure the night was successful. The committee unanimously chose not to actively seek donations from our community, rather they worked to give back to those who have supported us over the years given the hardships faced throughout the pandemic. However, when we approached these businesses to support them, they met us halfway and still made donations. We are extremely grateful for your support, and it goes to show what a kind and generous community we are fortunate enough to be a part of. Thank you to Rhubarb and Rosie, The New England Motor Lodge, Bruce Family Butchery, The Super Strawberry, Coles, Carelles, The Imperial Hotel, Photo Create, The Furry Cow, Glen Innes Services Club, James Trebbin (former teacher at St Joseph’s), Mary Hollingworth, Mr and Mrs Hill, Terry Te Velde and The Premier Store. Thank you to Geoff for being our quizmaster on the evening. To Nicole, Narelle, Adriana, and Jane for all your hard work behind the scenes on grazing boxes, decorations and co-ordinating raffles, your help is invaluable and truly appreciated. 


This year, our primary aim of the Trivia Night was to bring the community back together following 2 years of cancelled events due to Covid and if we happened to raise some funds along the way it was a bonus. We are pleased to announce that with your support we were able to easily achieve both goals. Whilst we haven’t got an exact final figure yet as we still have donations coming in, the Trivia Night raised over $3000.00. 


We have also had an excellent response to this year’s pie drive with the first round of delicious goods being distributed last Thursday for Kindergarten, Stage 1, and Staff. 

All Stage 2 and 3 orders will be ready for collection on Thursday 28th July from 2.45pm – 3.30pm in the School Hall. Please contact the school if you are unable to collect your order so that alternative arrangements can be made. 

A massive shoutout to Wally at Glen Pie Shop for supplying us with all the wonderful baked goods and to Melissa Key for her fantastic organisation of the drive. We will keep you posted in the next newsletter how much we were able to raise from this fundraiser. 


The End of term disco was well supported with plenty of mini groovers and movers dancing up a storm. Shoutout to The Singing Chef Pizza for supplying the pizza and the parent volunteers for fuelling the energy reserves from behind the canteen. Also, a massive thank you to the staff members for volunteering their time to supervise on the evening. The disco raised just over $800.00. 


All funds raised will be used to give back to our school and support our students. We would love to have you join us at our next meeting which will be held on Thursday 11th August, where we will decide how to distribute our fundraising and set our future goals and activities for the remainder of 2022. Meetings are held in the school library and generally only take an hour. It is a great opportunity to come along and hear updates from our principal and have your say in how we can best support our students.  


We really are fortunate to be part of a wonderful supportive community and we look forward to bringing many more events in the future.