Sport News
Ms Taylar Puskaric | Sport Teacher
Sport News
Ms Taylar Puskaric | Sport Teacher
Samuel E (5B) recently competed at the Sydney Cricket trial. We are pleased to announce that he has been selected to attend the MacKillop Cricket Trial held in Wagga Wagga later this year. Zac B (5W) was also meant to attend the trial, but was away due to other sporting commitments. Zacs performance at the Conference 3 Cricket Trial has also earned him a spot at the MacKillop Trial. Congratulations boys.
Guess what….!
We have some exciting news to announce about an upcoming sporting event that will take place in Term 3 for Stage 3 students!!!!!
Sydney Catholic Schools is putting together a sporting opportunity for all students in Stage 3 within the Sutherland Shire Network to participate in an interschool sport pilot that provides students with the opportunity to regularly compete against other schools in a fun, active and friendly environment. The chosen sport this time will be Football (soccer).
Participating schools will include:
Competition dates will be as follows: Dates
There will be plenty more information to come, so stay tuned and get excited!!!
Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 3 Teacher & Rep. Sport Coordinator