Assistant Principal News 

Mrs Louise Gordon

Term Two  at a Glance 

Term Two has been a busy and engaging term for all students. Student goal setting and constructive positive feedback has enabled students to evaluate their effort and performance in readiness to set new learning goals for Term Three. Differentiated teaching programs have challenged students in their learning and assisted with the acquisition of new skills and knowledge across the curriculum.


Many students have also had the opportunity to participate in excursions and incursions this term increasing their general knowledge through real life experiences. Year Two students showcased their inquiry learning skills with their Under the Sea exhibition demonstrating their innovative and creative ideas.


Parish based Sacramental programs have prepared Year 6 students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Family and Grade Masses this year have provided students with the opportunity to join together as a faith filled community.


The whole school Mandarin language program has enabled students to be immersed in learning Mandarin live from Beijing and discover interesting information about Chinese culture.


The successful implementation of SPBL (Positive Behaviours Program) initiatives throughout the year has assisted students to follow school rules and be aware of the importance of demonstrating respectful behaviours. The students have had the opportunity to share their sporting and creative talents via the school's athletics program, sporting gala days, Sydney Catholic Schools Eisteddfod and the recent Talent Quest.


Looking Forward - Term Three

Students return to school - Monday, 18th July 2022.

Term Three will involve the students in many more exciting events and learning experiences including: NADOIC Week, Book Week, National Science Week, Father’s Day, Grandparents Day and a range of sporting events including the Inter-school Stage 3 Sport Initiative, Kindergarten to Year 2 Fun and Fitness Day, Walkathon and the Netball Gala Day for students in Years 4 to 6. Parish Sacramental programs will commence for students in Years 2, 3 and 4 in preparation for First Holy Communion and Reconciliation.


Grade Bulletins will be shared early next term outlining Term Three Curriculum areas.



A reminder that our school has signed up for the ICAS Assessments parent payment system (PPS) for English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies. Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school. Please use the following details to register your child no later than 1st August 2022.  (This date is not set by the school, no late entries will be accepted). 


Access details for parents to register your child and purchase assessments with PPS System: 

Parent Link:

Parent Code:    XME012


Assessments will take place before school.  Students will be required to arrive at 7:45 am for an 8:00 am start under teacher supervision. Permission for your child to participate is assumed by your registration and payment to ICAS. Please click here to see the attached document for the Testing schedule.



Mrs Louise Gordon | Assistant Principal