From the Office

Kindergarten 2023 first round offers
First round offers of enrolment were sent to Parents on Monday 20 June 2022. Our Lady of Fatima has enjoyed increased enquiry and applications for Kindergarten this year.
Note: If you have not returned your child's kindergarten enrolment acceptance as yet, please do this as soon as possible, as second round offers will go out in Term 3.
If you have a child who will be starting Kindergarten in 2023 and you have not yet submitted an enrolment form, do so immediately, we have some seats available currently.
Please don't delay.
Information about the new enrolment process can be found below. If you require assistance, please contact the school office.
Enrolling is as easy as A-B-C
Mobile phones and Smart Watches/ Student communication with Parents
Students are reminded to leave their mobile phones at the office in the morning before school commences and to collect them at the end of the school day. Smart watches are not to be worn by students at school.
Parents, please remind your child/ren that they are not to email you via their device during the school day. This is stated in the Technology User Agreement signed by parents and students at the beginning of the school year. Breaching these protocols could involve restrictions on the use of devices at school. If your child is not well you will be informed by the school office.
School Fee automatic payment
Would you like to set up an automatic direct debit from your credit card? Complete the form below for an automatic credit card deduction.
Parent Handbook
Our Parent Handbook contains comprehensive information and will answer most questions that you may have about school life a link to our handbook is located here. The handbook is also located on our public website.