Community Connections

State of Origin Fundraiser
Our Lady of Fatima Parish has organised a State of Origin raffle as a fundraiser. The parish will be selling tickets at every Mass for the next few weeks and we would really appreciate your assistance. See the flyer below for details. The raffle will be drawn by Fr Julian on the first Sunday after State of Origin 3.
If you would like to help by selling or buying some raffle tickets, please email the school office at Or you can drop in to the school office to buy some tickets or pick up some books (or we can send them home with your child).
Calling all Gardeners!
Our lunchtime clubs are proving to be a big hit with the students and there is much excitement in the air each day as they make their way to one of them.
If there are any avid gardeners out there (maybe one of our parents or grandparents?) who would like to give up some of their time on a Wednesday to help educate and support our young gardeners please let us know. A one off session to share some gardening tips or a regular arrangement would be much appreciated.
Please let the office know if you are interested and we will be in touch. You can let us know by contacting us at or call Ph: 9524 9980.
Catholic Education Foundation