News from our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay 

Dear Parents and Carers,


As Term 2 comes to an end I'd like to acknowledge and thank you for your support and commitment in working together to ensure the students are provided with many rich and engaging opportunities to be inspired and motivated learners. Our vision for learning at Our Lady of Fatima is "To inspire and motivate learners to collaborate, create and innovate". This has been evident in the rich variety of meaningful and purposeful experiences that have taken place throughout the term with enthusiasm and in a spirit of community. I continue to be impressed with the student's positive attitude to learning and the teacher's commitment to supporting them. It is now time to rest, renew and refuel in readiness for Semester 2! 


Congratulations to our newly confirmed Year 6 students who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday. It is a special time in their lives and they were challenged “to go forward as they are called to be disciples in the world”. It was beautiful seeing all the families celebrate this special time in their children’s lives.

Dear Lord,

Help us to always listen and believe in Jesus, ‘ the voice of truth’. 

May we always be guided by your Holy Spirit. 

May we use the gifts we receive in Confirmation to continue to walk your path and forever be the face of Christ to whoever we meet. 

We open our hearts and lives to you, Holy Spirit: breathe a breath of new life into us all!  Amen


Finally I’d like to wish you all a very safe and happy winter break with your families. Thank you for your support and the trust you place in us with the gift of your children every day. Enjoy the holiday break - love, treasure and appreciate each other every day. 


May God continue to bless you all and keep you safely in his care. In the words of Catherine McAuley, thank you for being "shining lamps, giving light and joy to those around you" 


Mrs Suzanne Clay | Principal