Inside the Classroom


The Primary students have had a busy few weeks recently. Staff and students have been busy in classrooms and participating in activities around the school and in the community. Mrs Meers has purchased some amazing water tiles. The students are enjoying watching and making these move.

Class 11 have been accessing the spa weekly. It was great to see Jaykeem using the spa independently last week.

Class 5 are always busy and the last few weeks are no exception. The students are making the most of every opportunity at school, and having fun doing so.

Class 10 enjoyed an end of term visit to McDonalds. The students represented the school very well.

During week 9, Ollie visited Classes 10 and 13 to complete service week for his school in

 Sydney. He was very helpful with both classes and on the playground. 


Kari Priest

Primary Leader

Stage 4

Class 14 enjoyed completing the term’s culminating project for Food Technology last week.  After researching types of muffins already available, exploring packaging and advertising techniques they were required to brainstorm, design and produce an original flavoured muffin.  Students showed fabulous creativity as they worked through the design process producing classics with a twist like banana and cheese or interesting combinations such as Powerade and cocoa, mango and peach and choc-coconut. All students then completed an evaluation of their product using pre-determined criteria, before handing them over to guest judge Miss Burns for critiquing. The results are in…..Move over Zumbo!  Class 14 has arrived!


Class 15 have had a great term! Alongside their usually learning, students have made amazing progress in many creative and team-focused activities, such as creating a group art project, cooking yummy meals, making pottery and developing  cooperative skills through interesting board games.

Class 16 have visited the library and Art Gallery this week. Students enjoyed the exhibit at the gallery that was contributed to by all the local primary schools. At the library there was a Harry Potter search the students enjoyed. It is really great to see our students so responsible and well behaved in the community.

Cassie Lloyd

Stage 4 Leader

Stage 5

The Stage 5 Physical Activity and Sport Science (PASS) group have been looking at the benefits of physical activity and exercise. They have been using the gym equipment to participate in low, medium and vigorous activity. What a great way to keep warm on these cold days. Keep up the great work boys!

Class 6 have been learning about Asia and Asian migration to Australia as part of their history unit. They have been exploring what parts of Asian culture are celebrated in Australia such as special events, dress, religion and food. The class has been cooking some delicious meals such as Pandan waffles (Vietnam), Butter chicken (India) and a Chinese banquet of sweet and sour pork, fried rice and spring rolls. Yum!


This week some of our year 10 students toured Orange TAFE campuses. They were given the opportunity to explore courses and facilities available to them as part of their stage 6 studies. Enrollments are now open for 2023 so we encourage our students to consider taking up this opportunity.


Elke Cunial and Mel Said

Stage 5 Leaders

Stage 6

The Stage 6 Work studies students have been busy practicing their interview skills over the past week. Students have discussed appropriate attire, language and practiced their interview skills with staff in preparation for transition to work and work experience opportunities in Term 3. 

The Work in the Community class had a lovely time on their outing to the Orange Regional Art Gallery. Students had a great time exploring, touching and appreciating the colourful art displays. 

Jessica Hodder

Stage 6 Leader



The Campus has been a hive of activity in the last few weeks. Students have enjoyed engaging with PCYC staff during the Fit for Life program. There have been a lot of positive discussions and healthy competition. We are looking forward to this program continuing next term.

There has been something 'fishy' going on in Class 18. The boys have been researching and planning a fishing trip. This included creating a wishlist of equipment, creating a budget, presenting a proposal to the Executive, and securing funding to go shopping. They also did a lot of comparison shopping in order to get the best deals on fishing equipment for everyone to use. A shopping trip to BCF and some serious planning culminated in a few hours at Gosling Creek. Whilst it was reported that no fish are yet to be caught, one really big one apparently got away!! 


Last week saw the launch of the new Campus to Community program. Following in the success of Boys to the Bush, we are extending the opportunities that this provided to the young men on the Campus. 

Class 19 has been working hard in class, using mathematics to create pictures. The girls have also enjoyed collaborating with Mrs Huggett on the class artwork as well as brightening up the playground with some beautiful chalk art.

Class 17 has also created some great artwork. Using pouring paint, they were able to create unusual yet beautiful designs. 

We are all looking forward to the holidays and are excited to continue growing and learning together in Term 3. 


Kate Griffen

Head Teacher Campus